Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 2.djvu/453

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MULTILATERAL CONVENTION-WAR PRISONERS. JULy 27,1929. 2059 munis d'une legitimation de l'au- from the military authorities of tori~ militaire des forces &rm00s the anned forces which they were qu'ils accompagnaient. accompanying. TITRE VITI. DE L'EXf:CUTION DE LA CONVENTION. TITLE VHf. EXECUTION OF J:~oftbeCOD- THE CONVENTION. ftIICIoIL SECTION I. DISPOSITIONS G'~ SECl'ION I. GENERAL PROVISIONS. 0mInl ~ovtstODll. RALES. ARTICLE 82. Les dispositions de la presente Convention devront ~tre respec- tees par les Hautes Parties Con- tractantes en toutes circonstances. Au cas ou, en temps de guerre, un des belligerants ne serait pas partie ~. la Convention, ses dis{>O- sitions demeureront neanmoms obligatoires entre les belligerants qui y participent. ARTICLE 83. Les Hautes Parties Contrac- tantes se reserven t Ie droit de conclure des conventions speciales sur toutes questions relatives aux prisonniers de guerre qu'il leur paraitrait opportun de r~ler par- ticulierement. Les prisonniers de guerre reste- ront au benefice de ces accords jusqu'A l'achevement du rapa- triement, sauf stipulations ex- presses contraires contenues dans les susdits accords ou dans des aCC"A)rds ul~rieurs, ou egalement sauf mesures plus favorab1es prises par l'une ou l'autre des Puissances belligerantes Al'egard des prison- niers qu'elles detiennent. En vue d'assurer l'application, de part et d~autre, des stipulations de la presente Convention, et de faciliter la conclusion des con- ventions speciales prevues ci- dessus, les belligerants pourront autoriserl des Ie debut des hos- tilites, aes reunions de repra- sentants des autorites respectlves chargees de l'administration des prisonniers de guerre. ARTICLE 84. La texte de la presente Conven- tion et des conventions speciales prevues A l'article precedent sera affiche, autant que possible dans a0510-33-PT 2-28 ARTICLE 82. The provisions of the present Convention must be respected by the High Contracting Parties under all ('.ircumstances. In case, in time of war, one of the belligerents is not a. party to the Convention, its 'provisions shall nevertheless remam in force a8 between the belligerents who are parties thereto. ARTICLE 83. The H10'h Contracting' Parties Right to speclaI con- ~ • venUoDII reserved. reserve the ~ht to conclude special conventIOns on all ques- tIOns relative to prisoners of war, on which it seeIns to them eXJ?8- dient to have particular regula- tions. Prisoners of war shaH receive BeDe1ltll to prlsouers. the benefit of these agreements until the completion of repatria- tion, except in the case of express stipulations to the contrary con- tained in the above-mentioned agreements or in later agreements, or also except in the case of more favorable measures taken by one or the other of the belligerent Powers respecting the prisoners which they hold. In order to assure the reciprocal Con!lnnoee 8I1thor· application of the stipulations of !zed. the present Convention, and to facilitate the conclusion of the special conventions provided for above, belligerents may, upon the commencement of hostilities, au- thorize meetings of representa- tives of the respective authorities charged with the administration of prisoners of war. ARTICLE 84. The text of the present Con- vention and of the special conven- tions provided for in the foregoiIIg article, shall be posted, wherever