Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 2.djvu/536

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2142 FRIENDSHIP, ETC., TREATY-NORWAY. JUNE 5,1928. ination which may be allowed in the territories of each of the Contracting Parties, on ~oods im- ported or exported in natIOnal ves- sels so that such bounties, draw- backs and other privileges shall al- so and in like manner be allowed on goods imported or exported in vessels of the other country. M08t-ravored-l18t1on With respect to the amount and treatment as to cus- &oms duties. collection of duties on imports and exports of every kind, each of the two High Contracting Parties binds itself to give to the nation- als, vessels and goods of the other the advant~e of every favor, privilege or unmunity which it shall have accorded to the nation- als, vessels and goods of a. third State, whether such favored State shall have been accorded such treatment gratuitously orin return for reciprocal compensatory treat- ment. Every such favor, privi- lege or immunity which shall here- after be granted the nationals, vessels or goods of a third State shall simultaneously and uncon- ditionally, without request and without compensation, be ex- tended to the other High Con- tractin~ Party, for the benefit of itself, Its nationals, vessels, and goods. United States trade The stipulations of this Article W~~E~~p. 2136. do not extend to the treatment which is accorded by the United States to the commerce of Cuba under the provisions of the Com- mercial Convention concluded by the United States and Cuba on December 11, 1902, or any other commercial convention which here- after may be concluded by the With Canal Zone or United States with Cuba. Such dependencies excepted. stipulations, moreover, do not ex- tend to the commerce of the United States with the Panama Canal Zone or with any of the dependencies of the United States or to the commerce of the depend- encies of the United States with one another under existing or future laws. Exception given to No claim may be made by- Norwegian traffic. virtue of the stipulations of the present Treaty to any privileges that Norway has accorded, or may accord, to Denmark, Iceland se som i hver av de Kontraher- ende Parters territorier mAtte til- stAas varer innfort eller utfort med landets egne skib, sAledes at disse eksportpremier, drawbacks og andre privil~gier pA samme mAte ogsA skal varer, som e1' innfort eller utfort med skib tilhorende det annet land. Med hensyn til storrelsen og opkrevningen av alle slags innfor- sels- og utforselsavgifter sA binder hver av de to Hoie Kontraherende Parter Big til Ainnromme borgere, skib og varer tilhorende den annen part fordelen ved enhver begun- stigelse, privilegium eller immu- nitet, som mAtte vaere tilstAtt undersAtter, skib og varer til- horende en tredje stat, enten en sldan begunstiget stat mAtte vaere tilstatt en sldan behandling uten videre eller som vederlag for en tilsvarende kompensasjonsbe- handling. Enhver sldan begun- stigelse, privilew:um eller immu- nitet, 80m fremtidig mAtte en tredje stats unaersAtter, skib eller varer skal 8amtidig o~ betin- gelseslost, uten anmodning og uten vederlag, tilstAas den annen Hoie Kontraherende Part til for- del for den selv, dens borgere, skib og varer. Bestemmelsene i denne artikkel skal ikke vedrore den behandling BOm De Forente Stater har tilstAtt Cubas handel i den mellem De Forente StateI' og Cuba den 11. desember 1902 avsluttede handels- konvensjon, eller nogen annen handelskonvensjon 80m fremtidig mAtte bli avsluttet av De Forente Stater med Cuba. Disse bestem- melser vedrorer heller ikke De Forente Staters handel med Pana- makanalsonen, eller med noget av De Forente Staters biland, eller den innbyrdes handel mellem De Forente Staters biland i henhold til nuvaerende eller fremtidige lover. I kraft av naervaerende trak- tats bestemmelser skal der ikke kunne gjores nog~t krav pA noget privilegium som Norge har tilstAtt aller mAtte tilstA Danmark, Island