Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 2.djvu/555

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ARBITRATION TREATY-GREECE. JUNE 19, 1930. 2161 Arbitration treaty between the Unued State8 of America and Gruce. lUDe 1'. 1II1II . Signed at Washington, June 19, 1930; ratijication advised by the Senate, June 28, 1930; ratified by the Pre8ident, July 21, 1930; ratified by Greece, June 30, 1932; ratiji.cations exchanged at Wash- ington, September 23, 1932; proclaimed, September 26,1932. By THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA A PROCLAMATION WHEREAS a treaty of arbitration between the United States of Arbitration with A~~ri~a and Greece was concluded and signed by their respective o~ble. Plenipotentiaries at Washington on the nineteenth day of June, one 'Jlousand nine hundred and thirty, the original of which treaty, being in the English and French languages, is word for word &8 follows: The President of the United States of America and the Presi- dent of the Hellenic Republic Determined to prevent so far &8 in their power lies any inter- ruption in the peaceful relations that have always existed between the two nations j Desirous of reaffirming their adherence to the policy of sub- mitting 00 imparti8.1 decision all justiciable controversies that may arise between them j and Eager by their example not only to demonstrate their con- demnation of war &8 an instru- ment of national policy in their mutual relations, but also to has- ten the time when the perfection of international arrangements for the pacific settlement of inter- national disputes shall have elimi- nated forever the possibility of war among any of the Powers of the world' Have decided to conclude a treaty of arbitration and for that plLJ>ose they have appointed &8 theIr respective Plenipotentiaries The President of the United States of America: Mr. Henry L. Stimson Secre- tary of State of the Unit,;i States of America j and Le President des Etats-Unis d'Amm.que et Ie President de 10. R~ublique hellenique Resolus 8. prevenIr autant qu'll est en leur pouvoir toute inter- ruption dans les relations paci- fiques qui ont toujours existe entre les deux nations j Desireux d'affirmer de nouveau leur adhesion 8. la politique con- sistant 8. soumettre 8. une decision impartiale toutes contestations suscaptibles de decisions judi- cia.ires qui viendraient 8. s'eIever entre eUXj Soucieux par leur exemple, non seulement de manifester que, dans leurs relations reciproques, ils condamnent la guerre comme ins- trument de politique nationale, mais encore de hAter Ie moment ou la conclusion d'accords inter- nationaux pour Ie r~ement pa- cifique des conflits entre les Etats aura ec&rte pour toujours les possibilites de guerra entre les nations du monde; Ont decide de conclure un traite d'arbitrage, et 8. cas fins ont designe pour leurs yIenipo- tentiaires respectifs, saVOlr: La President des Etats-Unis d'Amm.que: M. Henry L. Stimson, Secra- taire d'Etat des Etat&-Unis d'Amerique; et