Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 2.djvu/579

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EXTRADITION TREATY-GREECE. MAY 6, 1931. 2185 Extradition trudy between the United States oj America and Gruct, _ -= M= ." " -,S, ,,-, l=lI=l. _ together with exchange oj notes concerning most1avored-nation treat- ment and protocoZ oj exchange of ratifiiations. S -i,gmd at Athens, May 6, 19S1; ratifiCation adtrised by the Senate, Feb'f'lUJ,ry 19, 1931; ratified by the President, March 10, 19SI; ratified, by Greece, October 19, 1931; ratifications exchanged at Washington, November 1, 19SI; procl4imd, November 1, 19SI. By THE PREfllDENT OF THE UNITED STA.TES OF AMERICA. A PROCLAMATION WHEREAS a treaty between the United States of America and Extradition with Greece, providing for the extradition of fugitives from justice, was G~b1e. concluded and signed by their respective Plenipotentiaries at Athens on the sixth day of May, one thousand nine hundred and thirty-one, the original of which treaty, being in the English and Greek languages, is word for word as follows: 'l'REATY OF EXTRADITION between the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA and the HELLENIC REPUBLIC The United States of America and Greece, desiring to promote the cause of justice, have resolved to conclude a treaty for the extra- dition of fugitives from justice between the two countries and have appointed for that purpose the following Plenipotentiaries: The President of the United States of America: Mr. Robert Peat Skinner, Envoy Extraordi- nary and Minister Plenipoten- tiary of the United States of America at Athens; and The President of the Hellenic Republic: Mr. Andreas Michala- kopoulos, Vice President of the Government, Minister for Foreign Affairs; Who, after having communi- cated to each other their respec- tive full powers, found to be in good and due form, have agreed upon and concluded the following articles: ~TNeHKH nEPI EK40%EO% BrKAHMATION p.ETa.fb TH% EAABNIKH% 4HMOKPATIA.% KAI TON HNnMBNON nOAITBION TID: AMBPIKB% 'H 'E~~4S «a.L al 'H~pba., IIO~£TEia.£ T~S ' Ap.Ep£,,~s, lrL 811- poVO'a., Jl4 ~1Ir71peT.qO'CoI)O"JI 1",," IP- JlO,a.., 1"~S ,t1",a.c.outm,s, 41rEtp4O',O'a.., lSrCol)s O'IIJI41/tCol)O"" ~1IP8.q"'l" lrEpL hM- O'ECoI)S 1"W" &,a.q:E1I')'6J1TCoI)" 1".q., 40'10' Tijs lrOLJI"'ijs ,t1","c.ouUJIf1s 11'pour"lI'Col)" ,,0.£ 'lrpcSs 1"6" OorcS" 1"OiiTO" 8,,&,1". O'a.JI 1"06s "41""'" lr~"~IIO'LoII$. '0 IIp6E8pos Tijs 'E~~".,£ICijs,t1"p.o­ "pa. TLa.s: T6J1 KUptOJI 'AJI8pia.v M,xa.~a.­ ,,6'1rOIl~OJl, 'AJI",lI'pcSE8po., Tijs Kv{JEP- v.qO'ECoI)S, 'T'lrollP'Y6v ~lrL 1"W" '~E­ . p",WJI. '0 IIp6E8pos 1"W" 'H.,CoI)pI"CoI)" IIo- MTE'WJI 1"~S 'Ap.Ep",~s: T6" Kbp£O" Robert Peel Slcin'Mf', "&1"Q.lCTOJI 'A1rEO'1"a.~p.bIo" «0.£ m,,~VO'£O" 'TlroIlP'Y6" 1"W" 'H.,er plJlCoI)JI IIOMTEuA'>" 1"ijs 'Ap.Epl.lCijs O%1"'JlES, UQ.lCOI..,c:,O'a.JlTES 4U~MnS 1"4 'Ir~,,~VO',a. a.bTW., 1'Y'YPa.9'Q., Ebpe8EJlTa. b 1"4~ «0.£ «a.1"4 TabS 41ra.'1"OVplPOII$ 1"vroll$, ~~JIf1O'a.., ~rL 1"iiI" iroplJlCol)" 4p8p": Contr&cltiq Pow... PlenipoteDtiarles.