Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 2.djvu/585

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EXTRADITION TREATY-GREECE. MAY 6,1931. 2191 ARTICLE VII. If a fugitive criminal claimed by one of the two parties hereto, shall be also claimed by one or more powers pursuant to treaty promons, on account of crimes or offenses committed within their jurisdiction, such criminal shall be delivered to that State whose demand is first received unless the demand is waived. This article shall not affect such treaties as have previously been concluded by one of the contracting parties with other States. ARTICLE VIII. Under the stipulations of this Treaty, neither of the High Con- tracting Parties shall be bound to deliver up its own citizens, in eases where such citizenship has been obtained after the p_er- petration of the crime for which extradition is sought. The State appealed to shall decide whether the person claimed is its own eitizen. ARTICLE IX. The expense of transportation of the fugitive shall be borne by the government which has pre- ferred the demand for extradition. The appropriate legal officers of the country where the proceedings of extradition are had, shall assist the officers of the ~vernment dl-> .!.nanding the extradition before the respective judges and ma¢.s- trates1 by every legal means With- in thell' power; and no claim other than for the board and lodging of a fugitive prior to his surrender, arising out of the arrest, deten- tion, examination and surrender of fugitives under this treaty, shall be made against the government demanding the extradition; pro- vided, however, that any officer or officers of the surrendering govern- ment giving assistance, who shall, in the usual course of their duty receive no salary or compensation AP9PON 7. 'EtiJl ~ 'PV'Ytis I",(AA"'JSa.'fla.s ~ u- oJ.~.:wed by t.,,'fOvJUJIOS V'P' ~Jf6s 'fWJI JUpr,,~ ~ 1I'a.PO(UI'IIS l;1I~qs, ut.,,'fei'fa.L 11I'lO'f1S V'P' ~""S ~ 11').ewJlCllJI 4)')'C111' Kpa. 'fW~ 811J1tiJUL 8,a.'ftifewJl UIIJ!lhtICWJI 8,' e-y - ICMJSa.'fa. ~ 1I')."'JSJU).~JSa.'fa. 'feMribn Id 'foii M6.tpOlIS 'fijs 8",a.u'1'f1P'a.ICijs a.pp,OOW'f.,,'fOS a.b'fWJI, 8ti 1I' o~os els 'f6 Kpti'foS ueiJlO 'foii 61roLoII lfJ'8a.UEJI 11'p4,'1'f1 ~ a.f'f."ULS, u'f6s ItiP a.1n-. " ti1rOUlIpOij. T6 1I'a.p6J1 4pOpol' 8b E1l'f1PE6.l'eL 'faS vr6 nJlOs 'fW~ uvp.{Ja.).).0JSEllCllJI JUpWJI EXOUUa.S 11'p6- npoJl UVJla.fJ'8u UIIJI6~ICa.S JU'f' 4)'XCII~ Kpa.'fwJI. AP9PON 8. 'E« 'fWJI 8L"'fJ.~ECIIJ1 'f"S 1IpovtnM Neither oount~T ... ~ "... - "" bound todeUver up Its l;1I"e,;IC."S oMb 'fWJI "tl/t'l).Wv l;vp.{Ja.) . - own cltiuns. ).OJJEJlCIII' MepWJI V1I'0xpeoii'fa.L v6. U - a18U 'fOUS laLollS a.b'foii V1l'f1IC60vs, 1I'M~ 'fijs 1I'epL1If&Ja-ECIIS ICa.8' ~V ~ V1l'f1ICo6.,.."S niiTa.L JU'f6. T~V 'fE).euu' Toii E"'(IC).~ JSa.'fOS a,6. 'f6 61l'OWV t'l'YEiTa.L ~ h- OOU'S. T6 Els hoou,v ICa.).OVJUJ1O~ Kpci'fOS a.1I'0'PauLtEL 1I'EpL Toii EtiP 'f6 kt'1'fovJUJIOJI 1rp6UCII1rOV Elva., v* ICOOS a.vToii. AP9PON 9. T6. l~a. JUTa.tpOpiis Toii EICl'."TOV- e~XP1D18 of amst, JJEJIOII {Ja.pVJIOIIUI. 'fllV a.lTOIlJJEJIf1V T~r hOOULV KV{3EPJIf1ULJI. Ol a.p~LOL aL- lCa.u'f",oL V1I'6.) .) . ."ML 'fijs xcdpa.s b 'fU 61roLq. aLEJlEP'YeiTa., ~ cS,a.6'ICa.uLa. 'fijs EICMueCIIS v-.-oxpeoii".,.a .I. c'S1I'CIIt {Jo.,,8WULI' 15,6. 1I'6.JlTCIIV TWJI Els T~JI cSL6.8euLP a.VTWV vOJSLJSCllv JJEUCIIV, 'fOUs iI1l'a.).M - ).011S 'fijs a.lTOIlJJEJIf1S T~JI !ICOOULV KlIfhp- JI~UECIIS bcdrwv 'fWJI OllCELCllJI cS",aUTWJI ICa.L 8,ICa.unlCwv iI1l'a.) .M).CIIJ1. 'Ar6 'f~JI a.lTOIlJSEJ'f1V 'f~JI ~ICOOULJI KlIfjEpJlf1u,P Restriction. ObeSEJI 11).).0 8E).EL t."TEia6aL 1rMv 'fWJI 1rp6 'fijs EICMuECIIS ~aCIIV cS,a.Tpoqn;S ICa.L olK~uECIIS Toii 'PV'YG.OOs, 'fWJI 1r(JO- 1C).."oEJlTCIIV ~IC 'fijs qv).).#ECIIS, ICpa.T~- UECIIS, 6.Jla.lCpLuECIIS ICa.L 1I' a.b'foii, UIIJ.UPWJlCIIS 1I'p6s 'f~V 1ra.poiiuaJl l;v~- IC1JV. 'TrOJlVOEiTa.L JS6).a . 'fa.VTa. cST, Compensatlon. 1riiS vr6.)')'.,,).os 'foii Els !ICOOULV 1Ca.).01l- JSEVOIJ Kpci'fOIlS, c'Suns 1ra.pEUXE Tltl' UVJlcSPOJS~JI 'fOil ICa.L 6 cnroios 1Ca.'f6. T~JI uVJl1]8'11 l1uIC1JU'JI TWJI 1Ca.8111C6"., .CIIV 'fOV 8EJI ).a .Il/36..JlE' JS,a66J1 ~ aJSOLfJilJI