Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 2.djvu/6

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· n LIST OF THE PRIVATE ACTS OF CONGRESS. CaPtai~ _~~e:~e:_ ~~ _TarmstroBot (talk) 19:30, 11 June 2014 (UTC).__ ~~_TarmstroBot (talk)_TarmstroBot (talk)_t_~e_ ~l~~f_ ~~ _19:30, 11 June 2014 (UTC)_ ?_~e_s~~ _~~ ~~J~y 7, 1932 __ Cha&8 E Mulinc. AN ACT For the relief of Chase E. Mulinex ___________ July 7, 1932 __ Ntlaoo E. pmaell. AN ACT For the relief of Nelson E. FrisselL __________ July 7,1932__ Ellen N. Nolan. AN ACT For the relief of Ellen N. Nolan ________________ July 7, 1932__ SafM GitJCGloM and Same IngraniU. AN ACT For the .-alief of Same Giacalone and Same Ingrande ______________________________________________________ July 7, 1932__ Gtmet1ieve M. Heberle. AN A(,'T For the relief of Genevieve M. Heberle ____ July 7, 1932__ D. Emmdt Hamilton. AN ACT For the relief of D. Emmf:ltt Bamilton _____ July 7,1932__ J. H. Wallace. AN ACT For the relief of J. H. Wallace __________________ July 7, 1932__ W. A . Pettrra. AN ACT For the relief of W. A . Peters____________________ July 7,1932__ Samuel Weinatein. AN ACT For the relief of Samuel Weinstein ___________ July 7,1932__ Sam Echola. AN ACT For the relief of Stam Echols ______________________ July 7,1932__ Milla BrolMra. AN ACT To reimburse Andrew H. Mills and William M. Mills, copartners carrying on business under the firm name and style of Mills Brothers, owners of the steamship Squantum, for d.amaJr;e to said vesseL __ - ________________ July 7,1932__ Knull O. Flakne and Alfred SoUom. All ACT To adjudicate the claims of Knud O. Flakne and Alfred Sollom, homestead settlers on the drained Mud Lake bottom, in the State of Minnesota________________ - - _____ - - - _- _______________________ July 8, 1932__ Jacob D. Hamon, eatat8. AN ACT For the relief of the estate of Jacob D. Hanson ______________________________________________________________ July8,1932__ Charles Lamkin. AN ACT For the relief of Charles Lamkin _____________ July 13, 1932__ Jamu E. Fraaer. AN ACT For the relief of James E. Fraser_____________ July 14, 1932__ Malcolm Allen. AN ACT For the I"f'Jief of Malcohn Allen ________________ July 14, 1932__ George H. Holman. AN ACT For the relief of George H. Holman _________ July 14, 1932 __ CaUflhman-Kaminer Company. AN ACT For the relief of Caughman-Kaminer Company ___ __ __ .. _____________________________________________________ July 14, 1932__ David C. Jeffcoat. AN ACT For the relief of David C. Jeffcoat ___________ July 14, 1932__ Raymond D. Wood.J . AN ACT For the relief of Rarmond D. Woods ______ July 14, 1932__ Samuel B. Inman, heira. AN ACT For the relief 0 the heirs of Samuel B. Inman ___ ___ ____ ___ ___ ___ ___ __ .. ____________________________________ July 14, 1932__ Hilda Barnard. AN ACT For the relief of Hilda Barnard ________________ July 14, 1932__ Frank R. ScoU. AN ACT For the relief of Frank R. SCott _______________ July 14, 1932 __ William Dalton. AN ACT For the relief of William Dalton ______________ July 16, 1932__ Claude E. DtnIe. AN ACT For the relief of Claude E. Dove______________ July 16, 1932 __ Elrie M. Seara. AN ACT For the relief of Elsie M. Sears________________ July 16, 1932__ Er1a May Peed. AN ACT For the relief of Eva May Peed, widow of George M. Peed, deceased _____ - _____________ - - - - - - ______ - - - - _______ - __________ July 16. 1932__ Frank Martin. AN ACT For the relief of Frank Martin_________________ July 16, 1932__ May WeaNT. AN ACT For the relief of May Weaver___________________ July 16, 1932__ Sophia A. Bura. AN ACT For the relief of Sophia A. Beers _____________ July 19, 1932__ Annie Lee Edgecumbe, eatat8. AN ACT For the relief of the estate of Annie Lee Edgecumbe, deceaeed _________________________________ -- - -- - ______ --- _____ July 19, 1932__ SECOND SIISSION, 1932-1933 John S. Shaw. AN ACT For the relief of John S. Shaw ____________ December 13, 1932__ Detroit'D!:it, tii!bi=· __ ~~_ TarmstroBot (talk)_ ~o~_ TarmstroBot (talk) _TarmstroBot (talk)t19:30, 11 June 2014 (UTC) _~f_ TarmstroBot (talk) 19:30, 11 June 2014 (UTC)0~~D!c!:.=it4~T932~~ .Meaneu., .a St.ort, Rou, etc. AN ACT For the relief of Messieurs Short, Ross, Shaw, and KennetrG{~~--AN -ACT-Auth()ri;htg- &dj~;t~e;'i -~i ihe-cl~~ of -ie:::J. 3TarmstroBot (talk) 19:30, 11 June 2014 (UTC) Orem W~~-ef~~--AN-AcT-AutbOri;i;.g-&dj~;t~e;.t-oi-the-ci&iiDS-:;e~~!::y~ Kenneth Bl&ine, and Joseph R. Ball__________________________ February 1, 1933__ George T. Johmon and Sona. AN ACT For the relief of George T. Johnson and Sons _______________


Johmon and Higgim. AN ACT Authorizing adjustment of the claim of Johnson and Higgins __________________________________________________________ February2,1933__ EUflen6 B. Ely. AN ACT To authorize the posthumous award of a distinguished-fiYlDg cross toEugeneB. Ely____---------------------------___---_____February6, 1933__ WilliamC. RifJe&. AN ACT For the relief of William C. Rives __________ February 6,1933__ Lieutenant Morri8 Smellow, Nav.y. AN ACT Authorizing the President to transfer and ap- point Lieutenant Morris Smellow, United States Navy to the grade of passed assistant paymaster, with the rank of lieutenant, in the Supply 60rps of the United States Navy

____ February6,1933__

William B. Thompaon. AN ACT For the relief of William B. Thompson_February 7, 1933 __ J. G . Seupelt. AN ACT For the relief of J. O. SeupeIL ______________ February 7,1933__ Anna Pohomy. AN ACT For the relief of Anna Pokorny ____________ February 7, 1933__ S. F. Stacher. AN ACT For the relief of S. F. Stacher_______________ February 8, 1933 __ Henry Clay Dre:der and George Robert Choli8ter. AN ACT To authorize the presentation of a medal of honor, posthumously, to the late Benry Clay Drexler and the late George RobertCholister___-------------------------------------___February9,1933__ P.Ke. 1.02 1703 1703 1704 1704 1704 1705 1705 1705 1706 1706 1706 1707 1707 1708 1708 1708 1709 1709 1709 1700 1710 1710 1710 1711 1711 1711 1712 1712 1713 1713 1714 1715 1715 1715 1716 1716 1716 1717 1717 1717 1717 1718 1718 1718 1719 1719