Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 2.djvu/828

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2432 ESTABLISHMENT AND SOJOURN-TURKEY. OCT. 28, 1931. Treaty of establishment and sojourn between the United States oj America and the Turki~<jh Rep1lhlic. Signed at Ankara, October 28,1931; rati- fication advised by the Senate, May 3, 1932; ratified by the President, May 12, 1932; ratified by Turkey, November 24, 1932; ratifications exchanged at Washington, February 15, 1933; proclaimed, l!'ebruary 18, 1933. By THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA A PROCLAMATION m;n~~d~~l~~bTarmstroBot (talk)h WHEREAS a treaty of establishment and sojourn between the Turkey. United States of America and the RepUblic of Turkey was concluded Preamble. Purposes declared. Plenipotentiaries. find signed by their respective Plenipotentiaries at Ankara on the twenty-eighth day of October, one thousand nine hundred and thirty- one, the original of which treaty, being in the English and Turkish languages, is word for word as follows: The United States of America and the Republic of Turkey, being desirous of prescribing, in accordance with modern international law, the condi- tions under which the nationals and corPorations of each of the High Con- tractiqg Parties may settle and carry on business in the territory of the other Party, and with a view to regulating accordingly questions relating to juris- diction and fiscal charges, have decided to conclude a treaty for that purpose and have appointed their plenipoten- tiaries: THE PRESIDENT OJ' THE UNITED STATES OJ' AMERICA: Joseph C. Grew, Ambassador Ex- traordinary and Plenipotentiary of the United States of America to the Turkish Republic; and THE PRESIDENT OF THE TURKISH REPUBLIC: Zekai Bey, Minister for National Defence who, haV\'ng communicated to each other theIr respective full powers, found to be in good and due form, have agreed upon the following provisions: ARTICLE I. Amerika Muttehit Devletleri iIe TUrkiye Ciimhuriyeti Ytiksek Akitler- den her birinin tebaaslmn ve ~irket­ lerinin di~er Taraf olkesinde ikamet ve icray! ticaret edebiImeleri ~artlannm asn Hukuku Diivele mutablk surette tesbitini arzu ederek, ve waf umura ve malt tekAlife miiteallik mesaili buna tevfikan tanzim etmek maksadile bir muahede aktine karar vel'Illil}ler ve Murahhaslan olmak iizere: AMERlKA MtlTTEHtT DEVLETLERl REISI: Tiirkiyede BUyiik EIC;isi ve Fev- kalade Murahhasl Joseph C. Grew'yu; TURKiYE CUMHURtYETt REtst: Millt Miidafaa Vekili ZekAi Bey- efendiyi; taIin buyurmUlilardir. M~ariinileyl].i.m," usuliine muvafik gorUlen salAhiyetnamelerini yekdi~erine tebli~ ettikten BOors atideki ahkAIm karar~tmn~lard1r: MADDE-l Most favored nation With reference to the conditions of treatment to be mutu- establishment. and sojourn which 8hall all)' 8CClCWded. liI ti nals d Her iki memleket tebaasms ve ~irketlerine di~er memleket arazisinde tatbik edilebilecek ikamet ve meksii !\iam ~artlan ve kezaIik malt tekiilif ve kazat salahiyet noktai nazanndan Amerika Miittehit Devletleri, Tiir- kiyeye, ve Tiirkiye Amerika Miittehit beapp cabetothena 0 an cor- porations of either country in the terri- tories of the otherr 88 well as to fiscal charges alad judicial eompetence, the United State. of America will :\ccord