Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 48 Part 1.djvu/1031

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73d CONGRESS . SESS . II. CHS. 592, 593. JUNE 18, 1934 .

1005 SEa . 4 . The bonds herei n auth orized to be issued shall be ge neral oti 1 gads so be general obligations of said town of Douglas City, payable as to both interest Payment of principal and principal from ad valorem taxes which shall be levied upon all and interest . the taxable property within the corporate limits of said town of Douglas City in an amount sufficient to pay the interest on and principal of such bonds as and when the same become due and payable. Such of the bonds as may be issued to construct, recon- struct, enlar ge, ex tend, or imp rove t he wate r-supp ly sys tem of said town of Douglas City may, if so provided by the common council of said town of Douglas City, be additionally secured by a direct for water bond purity dditional pledge of all or any part of the revenues of said water-supply system and any subsequent additions or extensions thereto, remaining after provisions for the payment of the reasonable costs of operation and maintenance of said system and the cost of such repairs, improve- ments, and betterments thereto as shall be necessary to keep the same at all times in good repair and working order . SEC . 5 . No part of the funds arising from the sale of said bonds Use of funds restrict- shall be used for any purpose or purposes other than those specified ed- in this Act . Said bonds shall be sold only when and in such amounts Sale of bonds . as the common council of the town of Douglas City shall direct, and the proceeds thereof shall be disbursed for the purposes herein- before menti oned a nd und er the order s and d irecti ons of said common council from time to time as the same may be required for said purp oses . SEC . 6. The town of Douglas City is hereby authorized to enter Financing , etc ., un- derpr ovis ions of Na- into contracts with the United States of America or any agency or tional Industrial Re- instrumentality thereof, under the provisions of the National Indus- covery Act . trial Recovery Act and Acts amendatory thereof and Acts supple- An te p zoo mental thereto, and revisions thereof, and the regulations made in purs uance ther eof, and under any furt her A cts o f th e Con gress of the United States to encourage public works, for the sale of bonds issued in accordance with provisions of this Act or for the acceptance of a grant of money to aid said town in financing any public works herein authorized ; or to enter into contracts with any person or corporation, public or private, for the sale of such bonds


such con tract s may con tain such terms and cond ition s, s ubjec t to the provisions of this Act, as may be agreed upon by and between the common council of said town of Douglas City and the United States of America or any agency or instrumentality thereof, or such terms and co nditio ns, su bject to the provis ions o f this Act . a s may be agreed upon by and between the common council of said town of Douglas City and any other purchaser of said bonds . Appro ved, June 18, 1934 . [CHAPTER 593 .1 AN ACT June 18, 1934 . Granting the consent of Congress to the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to [a .R.9401 .1 con struct, main tain, and op erate a toll bridge acros s the Susque hanna River at [Public, No . 4001 or near Middletown, Dauphin County, Pennsylvania . Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States o f America in Congress assem bled, That the consent Susquebanna River. Pennsylvania may of Congress is hereby granted to the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, bridge, atMiddletownt acting through its Department of Highways, to construct, maintain, and operate a toll bridge and approaches thereto across the Susque- hanna River, at ° a point suitable to the interests of navigation, at or near Middle town, Dauphin County , and between Middle town, Da uph in Co unt y . and G oldsboro, York Count y, in the Common- weal th of Pennsy lvania , in a ccorda nce wit h the provis ions o f the Act