Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 48 Part 1.djvu/1079

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73d C ONGRESS . SESS. II . CH. 648. JUNE 19, 1934. NAVY DEPARTMENT For pay, miscellaneous, $2 .75. For gunnery and engineering exercises, Bureau of Navigation, $5 . Fo r mai nten ance, Bure au of Sup plies and Acco unts, $228 . 38 . For engineering, Bureau of Engineering, $4 .30 . For pay of the Navy, $65 .85 . For pay, subsistence, and transportation, Navy, $162 .15 . For aviation, Navy, $74,778 .56 . For pay, Marine Corps, $421 .35 . DEPARTMENT OF STATE For conti ngent expens es, fo reign missio ns, $40 .2 3 . TR EAS URY DEPARTMENT For conti ngent expens es, Tr easury Depar tment, freigh t, tel egrams , and so forth, 76 cents . For colle cting the re venue from c ustoms , $30 .3 8 . For collecting the internal revenue, $67 .25 . For enfor cement of Na rcotic and N ationa l Prohi bition Acts, inter - nal revenue, $744 .65 . For salar ies an d expe nses, Bureau of Na rcotics , $2 .4 0 . For Coast Guard, $84 . 45 . For pay and allowances, Coast Guard, $24 .33. For repairs to Coast Guard vessels, $14 .80 . For pay of personnel and maintenance of hospitals, Public Health Service, $77 .25 . WAR DEPARTMENT For pay, and so forth, of the Army, $8,885 .61 . For pay of the Army, $588 .78 . For pay, and so forth, of the Army, War with Spain, 21 cents . For mileage to officers and contract surgeons, $11 .08 . For mileage of the Army, $13 .25 . For increase of compensation, Military Establishment, $1,259 .63 . For increase of compensation, War Department, $98 . For Army transportation, $443 .38 . For clothing and equipage, $38 .34 . For general appropriations, Quartermaster Corps, $10,107 . For horses f or cavalr y, artill ery, engi neers, an d so fort h, $2 . For regular supplies of the Army, 8 .33 . For supplies, services, and transportation, Quartermaster Corps, $20,547 .49. For replacing ordnance and ordnance stores, $2 .24. For sites for m ilitar y purp oses, $100 . For Air Corps, Army, $505 . For Medical and Hospital Department, $5 .88 . For seaco ast de fenses , ordn ance, $26 .03 . For armam ent of forti ficati ons, $ 1,217 .7 0 . For arming, equipping, and training the National Guard, $63 .84. For pay of National Guard for armory drills, $285 .71 . For arms, uniforms, equipment, and so forth, for field service, Natio nal G uard, $21 3 .44 . For Reser ve Off icers' Train ing Co rps, $ 21 . 90 . For headstones for graves of soldiers, $2 .12 . For Vicksburg National Military Park, $8 .49 . 1053 Na vy Depart ment . Department of State . Treasury

Depart, ment . War Department .