Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 48 Part 1.djvu/1128

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73d C ONGRESS . SESS. II. CH. 652 . JUNE 19, 1934 . telegraph companies granted Government aid in the construction of their lines, are hereby imposed upon and vested in the Commission Pr ovide d, Th at suc h tran sfer o f duti es, po wers, and fun ctions shall not be construed to affect the duties, powers, functions, or jurisdiction of the Interstate Commerce Commission under, or to interfere with or prevent the enforcement of, the Interstate Commerce Act and all Acts amendatory thereof or supplemental thereto . (b) All duties, powers, and functions of the Postmaster General with respect to telegraph companies and telegraph lines under any existing provision of law are hereby imposed upon and vested in the Commiss ion . Pr ovi so . Not to interfere with enforcement of aet . Functions of Post- master General respect- ing tele graph compa- nies . Repeals and amend- ments . SEC . 602 . (a) The Radio Act of 1927, as amended, is hereby rep ealed . Cert ain provi sion s of

(b) The provi sions of the I nters tate Comm erce Act, as a mende d Interstate Commerce Act insofar as they relate to communication by wire or wireless, or to telegraph, telephone, or cable companies operating by wire or wireless, except the last proviso of section 1 (5) and the provisions of section 1 (7), are hereby repealed . (c) The last sente nce of se ction 2 of the Act entit led "An A ct relating to the landing and operation of submarine cables in the United States ", approved May 27, 1921, is amended to read as fol- Powers of Federal lows : " Nothing herein contained shall be construed to limit the Communications Com- mission .

power and jurisdiction of the Federal Communications Commission with respec t to t he tra nsmiss ion of messag es ." (d) The first paragraph of section 11 of the Act entitled "An Act to supplement existing laws against unlawful restraints and monopo- lies, and f or oth er pur poses' , appr oved Oc tober 15, 19 14, is amend ed to read as follows " SEC. 11 . That authority to enforce compliance with sections 2, 3, 7, and 8 of this Act by the persons respectively subject thereto is hereby vested : In th e Int ersta te C ommer ce Co mmis sion where appl i- cable to common carriers subject to the Interstate Commerce Act, as amended ; in the Federal Communications Commission where applicable to common carriers engaged in wire or radio communi- cation or radio transmission of energy ; in the Federal Reserve Board where applicable to banks, banking associations, and trust companies ; and in the Federal Trade Commission where applicable to all other character of commerce, to be exercised as follows :" Radio Act of 1927 . Vol. 44, p . 1182. Submarine cables. Vol . 42, p .8. Anti-trust Act . Vol. 38, p. 730 . Authority to enforce compliance with desig- nated sections . Employees, records, p roper ty, and appro - priations . Transfer from Fe d- eral Radio Commis- sion. From I nter stat e Commerce Commis- s ion From

P ostma ster General REPEALS AND AMENDMENTS T RANSF ER OF EMPL OYEES , REC ORDS, PROP ERTY, AND APPR OPRIA TIONS S EC. 603 . (a) All officers and employees of the Federal Radio Commission (except the members thereof, whose offices are hereby abolished) whose services in the judgment of the Commission are necessary to the efficient operation of the Commission are hereby transferred to the Commission, without change in classification or compensation ; except that the Commission may provide for the adjustment of such classification or compensation to conform to the duties to wh ich su ch off icers and em ployees may b e assi gned . (b) There are hereby transferred to the jurisdiction and control of the Co mmissi on (1) all r ecords and p roperty (incl uding office furni - ture and equipment, and including monitoring radio stations) under the jurisdiction of the Federal Radio Commission, and (2) all rec- ords under the jurisdiction of the Interstate Commerce Commission and of the Postmaster General relating to the duties, powers, and functions imposed upon and vested in the Commission by this Act .