Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 48 Part 1.djvu/1129

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73d C ONGRESS . SESS. II . CH. 652. JUNE 19, 1934 . (c) All appropriations and unexpended balances of appropriations available for expenditure by the Federal Radio Commission shall be avai lable for ex pendit ure by the C ommissi on for any a nd all objec ts of expenditure authorized by this Act in the discretion of the Commission, without regard to the requirement of apportionment Lind er the Antid eficie ncy Ac t of F ebruary 27, 1 906 . EFFECT OF TRANSFERS, REPEALS, AND AMENDMENTS SEC . 604. (a) All order s, de termi nati ons, rules, regulations, permits, contracts, licenses, and privileges which have been issued, made, or granted by the Interstate Commerce Commission, the Federal Radio Commission, or the Postmaster General, under any provision of law repealed or amended by this Act or in the exercise of duties, powers, or functions transferred to the Commission by this Act, and which are in effect at the time this section takes effect, shall continue in effect until modified, terminated, superseded, or repealed by the Commission or by operation of law . (b) Any proceeding, hearing, or investigation commenced or pend ing b efore the Fede ral R adio Comm issio n, th e In terst ate C om- merce Commission, or the Postmaster General, at the time of the organization of the Commission, shall be continued by the Commis- sion in the same man ner as thou gh o rigi nal ly c omme nced bef ore the Commission, if such proceeding, hearing, or investigation (1) invo lves the a dmin istra tion of du ties , pow ers, and funct ions transferred to the Commission by this Act, or (2) involves the exer- cise of jurisdiction similar to that granted to the Commission under the provisions of this Act . (c) All records transferred to the Commission under this Act shall be available for use by the Commission to the same extent as if such records were originally records of the Commission . All final valuat ions a nd det ermina tions of dep reciati on cha rges b y the Inter- state Commerce Commission with respect to common carriers engaged in radio or wire communication, and all orders of the Interstate Commerce Commission with resp ect to such valuations and determinations, shall have the same force and effect as though made by the Commission under this Act . (d) The provisions of this Act shall not affect suits commenced prior to the date of the organization of the Commission ; and all such suits shall be continued, proceedings therein had, appeals therein taken and judgments therein rendered, in the same manner and with the same effect as if this Act had not been passed . No suit, action, or other proceeding lawfully commenced by or against any agency or officer of the United States, in relation to the discharge of official duties, shall abate by reason of any transfer of authority, power, and duties from such agency or officer to the Commission under the provisions of this Act, but the court, upon motion or supplemental petition filed at any time within twelve months after such transfer, showing the necessity for a survival of such suit, action, or other proceeding to obtain a settlement of the questions involved, may allow the same to be maintained by or against the Commission . UNAUTHORIZED PUBLICATION OF COMMUNICATIONS SEC . 605 . No person receiving or assisting in receiving, or trans- mitting, or assisting in transmitting, any interstate or foreign com- munication by wire o r radio sh all divulg e or publis h the ex istenc e, con tents, subst ance, purpor t, effe ct, or meani ng the reof, excep t thr ough auth orize d cha nnel s of trans missi on o r rec eptio n, to any person other than the addressee, his agent, or attor- ney, or to a person employed or authorized to forward such 1103 Unexpe nded appr o- priations. Tra ns fer s, repeals, and amen dments . Effectiveness of or- ders, etc., ma de un der authority of repealed, etc ., ac ts. Continuation of pendin g proceeding, hearings, etc. Availability of trans- ferred records. Force of final valua- tions and determma- tions of Interstate Commerce Commis- sion. Limita tions . Suits commenced prior to organization of Commission . Unauthorized publi- cation of comm unica- tions. Prohibition on.