Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 48 Part 1.djvu/1259

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73d C ONGRESS . SESS . II. C H. 756. JU NE 26, 1934 . SEC. 20. (a) The funds appearing on the books of the Govern- ment and listed in subsections (b) and (c) of this section shall be classified on the books of the Treasury as trust funds . All moneys accruing to these funds are hereby appropriated, and shall be dis- bursed in compliance with the terms of the trust . Hereafter moneys received by the Government as trustee analogous to the funds named in subsections (b) and (c) of this section, not otherwise herein pro- vided for, exc ept moneys re ceived by the Comptroller o f the Cur- rency or the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, shall likewise be deposited into the Treasury as trust funds with appropriate title, and all amounts credited to such trust-fund accounts are hereby appropriated and shall be disbursed in compliance with the terms of the trust : Provided, That, effective July 1, 1935, expenditures from the trust fund " Soldiers' Home, Permanent Fund" (8t184) shall be made only in pursuance of appropriations annually made by Con- gress, and such appropriations are hereby authorized : Provide d further, That personal funds of deceased inmates, Naval Home, now deposited with the pay officer of the Naval Home, shall be deposited in the Treasury to the credit of the trust fund account "Personal Funds of Dec ea sed Inmates, Naval Hom e" (7 t98 9)


further, That on June 30 of each year there shall be transferred to the tru st fund receip t acco unt dir ected t o be e stablis hed in sectio n 17 of this Act, such portion of the balances in any trust-fund account hereinb efore o r herea fter l isted o r estab lished , excep t the b alance s in the accounts listed in subsection (c) of this section, which have been in any such fund for more than one year and represent moneys belonging to individuals whose whereabouts are unknown, and subse- quent claims therefor shall be disbursed from the trust fund receipt account " Unclaimed Moneys of Individuals Whose Whereabouts are Unknown ", directed to be established in section 17 of this Act . (1) Philippine special fund (Customs duties) (2s332) . (2) Philippine special fund (Internal Revenue) (2s443) . (3) Unclaimed condemnation awards, Tre asury Depa rtm ent (2t921) . (4) Naval reservation, Olangapo civil fund (7s967) . (5) Personal fun ds of decease d inmates, Nav al Home (7t98 9) . (6) Return to deported aliens of passage money collected from steamship companies (6t749) . (7) Vocational rehabilitation, special fund (0c980) . (8) Library of C ongress gift fund (0c260) . (9) Library of Congress trust fund, investment account (0c249) . ( 10) Li brary of Con gress trust fund, inco me fro m inve stment account (0c246) . (11 ) Library of Congress trus t fund, perman ent loan (0c248) . (12) Relief and rehabilitation, Longshoremen's and Harbor W orkers ' Comp ensati on Ac t (0t4 76) . (13) Cooperative work, Forest Service (3c209) . (14) Wages and effects of American seamen, Department of Com- merce (6t055) . (15) Pension money, Saint Elizabeths Hospital (4045) . (16) Personal funds of patients, Saint Elizabeths Hospital (4t546) . (17) National Park Service, donations (4c470) . (18) Purchase of lands, national parks, donations (4c408) . (19) Extension of winter-feed facilities of game animals of Yel- lowstone National Park, donations (4c410) . (20) Indian moneys, proceeds of labor, agencies, schools, and so forth (5t301) . (21) Funds of Federal prisoners (1051) . 86637'-34-78 Disbursement . 1233 Certain funds estah- lished as trust fund ac- cou nts . Fundsreceivedanalo . gous to trust funds . Provisos . Disburseme nt of "Soldiers' Home, Per- manent Fund." Dis position of funds of deceased inmates, Naval Home. Yearly transfers of sums in trust funds rep- re senting mon eys of persons whose where. abouts are unknown . 36 Stat. 84; 46 Stat. 685. U.S .C., Supp . VII, title 19, sec . 1301 . U.S.C ., title 40, see. 120 . 38 Stat. 398. U.S.C., title 8, sec. 216. 40 Stat . 619, 1179; 43 Stat. 611. 30 Stat. 751; 37 Stat. 319; 43 Stat. 788. U.S.C., title 2, sec . 157 . U .S.C ., title 2, sec . 157 . U.S.C., title 2, sec. 158 . U.S.C., Supp. VII, title 33, secs. 908, 944 . 47 Stat . 625. 34 Stat . 684; 47 Stat. 628 . U .S .C., title 24, sec . 165 . U.S.C., title 24, scc. 165 . U .S .C., title 16, sec .6. 44 Stat .966; 45 Stat. 237 .1600. 45 Stat. 237, 1600 . U.S.C., Supp . Vii, title 16, sec. 37 . 22 Stat. 590 ; 46 Stat 584 .