Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 48 Part 1.djvu/1325

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... '~lll INDEX. Appropriation Acts-Continued. Interior Department _______________ _ Justicc, Dcpartmcnt of _____________ _ Labor, Departmcnt of______________ _ Legislative Branch of the Gonro- Page. 362 536 568 ment________________________ 669, 817 Navy Departmcnt-_________________ 403 Post Office Department- _ _ _ _ ________ 442 State, Department of __________ . . ____ 529 Treasury Department- ____________ 425, 669 War Department _________________ 614,070 Appropriations: Agricultural Adjustment Act, amount available for administrative ex- penses_________________________ 38 Air mail transportation, transfer of funds for use of Army planes and equipment _______________________ 508 Alcoholic Beverage Control' Board, D.C., general expenses_ _________ _ 349 Bank Conservation Act_ _____________ 7 Chicago World's Fair, sum authorized_ _ 785 Appropriation for _________________ 1025 Chinch bug control, sum for__________ 92(j Civil-works program, authorized; avail- ability; allocations limited to com- pletion of projects _____________ 351,352 Claims of ~ Government contractors whose costs of performance in- creased by codes of fair competi- tion compliance, adjustment au- thorized _______________________ 975 Cotton Industry Act, authorized_ ___ __ (i05 Appropriation for ___________ ______ 805 Crop production and harvesting loans, 1934, sum authorized_ _ __________ S55 Appropriation for _________________ 402 Currency circulating notcs, production of_____________________________ 7 Dairy- and beef-cattle industries, sum authorized to finance production adjustments; relief distribution of products_______________________ 528 Appropriation for _________________ 805 District of Columbia Alley Dwelling Act, sum available ______________ 932 District of Columbia-Virginia boundary line commission expenses, author- ized _________________________ 453,833 El Paso, Tex., lease of quarters for Gov- ernment services, authorized _____ _ Emergency appropriations. See Emer- gency Appropriation Act. Emergency construction of public high- ways, authorized _______________ _ Appropriation for ________________ _ Emergency Farm Mortgage Act- Increase in amount for drainage, etc., districts ____________________ _ 1119 993 1057 1110 Appropriations-Continued. Page. Emergency :Farm Mortgage Act~COll. SubscriptiollS to paid-in surplus of ballks making extensions Oil farm loan l1lortgages_____ ___ __ _ 43 Farm Credit Act of 1933- Prodllcti0f.l ~redit Corp~rations and ASSOl~atlOns, authorized_ _ _ ___ _ 258 ApproJJriation for _ ______________ 276 Re\' ol dllg f ulld, additional alllount a lIthorized ___________________ 258 Appropriation for _______________ 276 l·lloilligated balanceavailablefor__ 258 Farm Credit Administration, amount authorized, crop production loans, 1034 ______ ~____________________ 355 Appropriation for _________________ 402 Federal COllllllunications Commission, a\'ailahility oL _ _________ ___ ____ 1103 Federal Deposit Insurance Corpora- tion, authorized for payment for capital stoeL ____ ______ ____ ____ 168 Federal Emergency Relief Act, sum authorized, a vailahility __________ 351 Allocations limited to completioll of projects______________________ 352 Federal Surplus Relief Corporation, advances to, for dairy- and beef- cattle purchases_ _ _ ___________ 528 Federal Trade Commission, transfer of unexpended balances to Secur- ities and Exchange Commissioll_ _ 908 Fisheries Bureau, sum authorized for construction of vessel for research work__________________________ 1201 Forest highways, trails, etc., sum au- thorized for constructioll ________ _ Fort Francis E. 'Varren, authorized for purchase of lands for addition to__________________________ _ Fort Niagara, N. Y ., international cele- bration, sum authorized for par- ticipation _________________ . . ___ _ Appropriation fOL ____________ . __ _ Grand Island, Nebr., radio station, authorized for purchase of addi- tionallands for ________________ _ Hampton Roads Naval Base, slim au- thorized for acquisition of addi- tional lands ___________________ _ Home Owners' Loan Corporation, sum available for encouragement of 994 955 1019 1244 805 957 sM·ing and home financing _____ 134,647 Impounding of_____________________ 14 Indian pueblos, payments authorized to____________________________ 108 Indians, vocational education, sum au- thorized for _ _ __________________ 986 Inter-American highway, reconnais- sance survey ________________ 996, 1042