Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 48 Part 1.djvu/133

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73d CONGRESS . SESS. I. CH. 44. MAY 29, 1933 .

107 Department of the United States ; and the said States hereby author- ize Regional Bridge Company to enter upon and use for the purpose of constructing, maintaining, and operating such bridge all neces- sary lan ds u nder wat er b elon ging to said Sta tes, and the fee to any lands so used shall upon such use be vested in such Regional Bridge Company :

Acceptance by K an. SEC . 2 . The State Highway Conunission of Missouri and the sas and Missouri . State Highway Commission of Kansas shall be, and they are hereby, authorized and directed to accept, when tendered by Regional Bridge Company, conveyance of such bridge and franchise therefor to such State Highway Commission jointly, on behalf of the States of Missouri and Kansas . Such conveyance shall not be in assumption Subject to mo rtgage . of such mortgage, but shall expressly be subject to such mortgage, and to the right and duty upon Regional Bridge Company fully to complete the construction of such bridge . SEC . 3 . The State Highway Commission of Missouri and the State ope ra ot u enance and Highway Commission of Kansas shall be, and they, and each of them, here by a re, auth oriz ed t o ma inta in, oper ate, and ins ure such bri dge collection of t olls . and to fix and collect tolls thereon and apply such tolls, and to enter into any and all contracts with said Reconstruction Finance Corpo- con str uct ion Contracts With n y

con str uct ion Finance ration or any other party or parties considered by said highway Corpo rati on . commissions, or either of them, to be necessary or expedient for or in connection with the proper maintenance, operation, and insurance of such bridge and such fixing, collection, and application of tolls thereon, and to incur joint and several obligations under such con- trac ts ; and to construct and maintain, and to enter into any con - tracts, severally, with said Reconstruction Finance Corporation or any other party or parties, considered by said highway commissions or either of them to be necessary or expedient, for or in connection with the construction and maintenance of approaches to such bridge and roadways leading thereto, lying within their respective States . And said highway commissions, and each of them, are further author- road syste be fre ized to make and treat as a part of the State highway system of their tine States . respective States the entire such bridge and that portion of the approaches thereto lying within their respective States, and to enter into contracts with the Reconstruction Finance Corporation or any other p arty or partie s in r espect thereto . SEC . 4 . Nei ther the Stat e of Kansas no r the State o f Missouri, other Right i dgos cons truct nor any department or political subdivision thereof, shall construct or caus e to be constr ucted, or gra nt any right, privil ege, or franc hise for the construction of, any bridge, ferry, tunnel, or other competing facility across or under the Missouri River within a distance of five miles from said bridge, ineasured along the meanderings of the thread of the stream of the Missouri River, until the construction costs o f said bridge, with interes t there on, sh all hav e been fully paid . Pledge of good faith . SEC. 5. To the faithful observance of this compact and agreement the States of Missouri and Kansas, by the adoption of this resolution, each pledges its good faith .

w hen a gree ment er- SE C. 6 . This compact and agreement shall be in force and take fectfve . effect from and after its adoption by the General Assembly of the State of Misso uri, and appr oval by the G overnor of Mis souri, and its adoption by the Legislature of the State of Kansas, and approval by the Governo r of Kansas, and publicati on in the offi cial State paper of the State of Kansas, and upon its receiving the consent and approval of the Congress of the United States . Therefore be it Resolved by the Senate and House o f Representatives o f the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the consent o f Con- Consent of congress gress is hereby given to the aforesaid compact or agreement and given.