Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 48 Part 1.djvu/1336

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INDEX. . XIX Canada: Appropriation for- Envoy extraordinary, etc., to______ _ International Boundary Commission, United States, Alaska, and ____ _ Air mail service, extension to, authorized_ Bridge authorized across- Saint Clair River by Great Lakes Bridge Commission ___________ _ Saint Lawrence River by Saint Law- rence Bridge Commission _____ _ Mace of the Parliament of Upper Canada, return oL _____________ _ Canal Zone. See Panama Canal Zone. Candy, termination of tax on __________ _ Caperton, William B., acceptance of foreign decoration ________________ _ Cape Spartel and Tangier Light, Morocco, appropriation for contribution _____ _ "Capital", "Capital Stock", construeG in Act permitting national banking asso- ciations to issue preferred stock ___ _ Capital Stock and Excess-Profits Taxes: Application of, as imposed by National Industrial Recovery Act_________ _ Capital stock tax- Computation oL _________________ _ Declaration, information required, payment, existing law continued, time extension _______________ _ Domestic corporations ____________ _ Exemptions______________________ _ Foreign corporations doing business in United States _____________ _ page./ 530 535 938 139 141 978 769 1267 534 5 771 770 769 769 769 769 Returns open to official inspection__ 770 Excess-profits tax- Computation oL__________________ 770 Laws applicable________________ 771 Capitol Buildings and Grounds, appro- priation for maintenance, etc_ 97,826, 1024 Capitol Police, appropriation for salaries, ct('______________________________ 826 Carlsbad Caverns National Park, N.Mex. : Appropriation for administration, et('__ 385 Land cxehange authorized _ _ _ ________ 664 "Carrier", defined in Emergeney Hail- road Transportation Act_ __________ 211 Carriers: Appropriation for valuation of property oL _____ _____________________ 293, 515 RetirellH'Ilt of employees. See Rail- road Retirement Act. Carson City, Nev., appropriation for edu- cation of Indians__________________ 372 Carson National Forest, protection of watershed within_________________ 108 Carter Seminary, Okla., appropriation for education of Indians_ _ _ ___________ 373 Carthage, Tenn., construction of bridge authorized across Cumberland River _ 573 Casey, John J., payment to, eontested- Page. election expenses___ _______________ 1023 Cathlamet, Wash., bridge authorized across Columbia River aL_________ 950 Cattle. See Agricultural Adjustment Act. Caustic Poison Act, appropriation for en- forcemenL__ __ _____________ ______ 496 Cavalry, Chief of. See War Department. Celilo Canal, right of way authorized across, at The Dallcs, Orel;t_________ 147 Census Bureau. See also Commerce, Dcpartment of. Leaves of abscnce for temporary em- ployees________________ _ ____ ___ 551 Central Bank for Cooperatives. See Farm Credit Act of 1933. Central Dispensary and Emergency Hos- pital, D.C., appropriation for _ 245, 869, 1028 Central Pacific Railway Co., certain con- veyances of, validated ___________ 940, 942 Cereal Crops and Diseases, appropriation for im'estigatioll___________________ 479 Certificate of Merit, issue of Distinguished Service Cross in lieu_______________ 396 Champagne, tax on. See Liquor Taxing Act of 1934. Chandler, Claude, payment to, contested- election expenses_____ ______ __ _____ 1023 Charges d'aiTaires ad interim. See For- eign Service. Charitable Contributions. See Income Tax. Charles H. Burke Scbool, Fort Wingate, N.Mex., appropriation for education of Indians_______________________ _ Chattanooga, Tenn., Confederate Veter- ans' Encampment, loan of Army equipment for____________________ _ Chehalis River, Wash., preliminary ex- amination authorized.__ _ __ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ Chemawa, Salem, Oreg., appropriation for education of Illdians ___________ _ Chemical Warfare Service. See War Department. Chemistry and Soils, Bureau of. fiee also Agriculture, Department of. Waste products utilization, cooperation ""it h Bureau of Standards _______ _ Cherry Tree Landing, Del., brid~e au- thorized across Deeps Creck at- ___ _ Chesapeake Bay: time extended for bridge at Baltimore, Md__________ _ Chester A. Poling, Inc., payment to____ _ Chicago, III.: Appropriation for- Confederate Mound in Oakwood Cemetery, care, et.c ___________ _ Hydrographic office cxpcnscs_______ _ 373 803 953 373 555 122 939 101 639 424