Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 48 Part 1.djvu/1366

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Federal Farm Mortgage Cor po r a ti 0 n Aet-Continued. Emergency Farm Mortgage Act amend- ment- Loans by Land Bank Commissioner on behalf of corporation until February I, 1936 ____________ _ Additional loans for refinancing prior loans ________________ _ Bonds and proceeds made a vail- ab~ ______________________ _ Maximum amount of loan to farmers increased to $7,500 ___________ _ Farm Credit Act amendments- Corporation as fiscal agent of rnited States ______________________ _ Tax exemption of corporate fran- chise, capital, ete ____________ _ Vl1lawful acts and J>cnalti(·s; false reprel"entation, etc., to Federal Intermediate Credit Bank or Corporation _________________ _ Revolving fund, notes, etc., evidenc- ing loans and security therefor, transferred to Governor ______ _ Excess amount of balances, etc., transferred to, macie available to establish new fund ___________ _ Allocations for 8ubl-icriptions of in- termediate credit hunk stocks, etc., authorized therefrom __ _ Federal Reserve Act amendments- Advances to member banks on de- pOl-iit or pledge of corporation bonds ______________________ _ Purchase and sale by Reserve hanks of corporation bonds having limited maturity dates ________ _ Separahility provisions _____________ _ Amendment; short title ____________ _ Members of Congress, participation in contracts and agrcemcnts _______ _ Redemption of foreclosed homes ___ _ Tax exemptions not to include sllr- taxes _________________________ _ Federal Highway Act: Appropriation for road or trail construc- tion under- ___________________ _ Appropriations authorized for road con- struction under provisiolls of _ ___ Reports to Congress; requiremellt ___ _ Federal Home Loan Bank, ('ol1\'('r~ion of, into Federal Savings and Loan Asso- ciation __________________________ _ Federal Home Loan Bank Act, Amend- ments: Advances to finance home repairs, im- provements, etc _______________ _ Interest rates; terms and conditions_ I:NDEX. xlix Page. 347 347 347 347 347 347 347 348 348 348 348 34S 34:--; 3·19 126-1 029 3GO 1057 094 905 134 1261 1261 Federal Home Loan Bank Act, Amend- Page. menta-Continued. Authority of banks to make advances to memhers; limitations ________ .. 1261 Federal Savings and Loan Associa- tion, purchase of full-paid income shares oL ______________________ 645 Bonds of, purchase by Home Owners' Loan Corporation _______________ 646 Conversion into Federal Savings and Loan Association, authorized_ ____ 646 Employment of membl?r as fiscal agent of United States________________ 646 ,. Home mortgage", construed _ _______ 1264 Loans to, by Home Owners' Loan Cur- poration _ ______________________ 646 l\linimllIll subscription _ _ _ ___________ 1264 Powers of memher banks- Borrow llloney; issue d('benturel-i and bonds ___________________ . ___ 1262 Aggre~ate amount of outstandillg ohligatiolls_________________ 1262 Retirement of dehentllrcs_ __ __ _ __ 1262 Acceptanee of deposits_ __________ 1262 Ill\'e~tment of surplus fllnds______ 1263 Rediscount members' notes ____ __ 1262 Reseryes to be maintained_ __ __ __ 1262 Repeals of section 4 (d) providing for direct loans to home owners_ _ __ __ 129 Federal Home Loan Bank Board, defi- ckney appropriation for home financ- ing, etc __________________________ 276 Federal Housing Administration. See Kational Housing Act. Federal Hunting Stamp Act: Appropriation for enfor('('ment ________ 1031 Hunting 8tamp; requirement; exhibit- ing; issue of; period of validity _____ 451 State game laws and treaty regula- tions, eomplianee with _ __________ 451 Migratory bird eonsprvution fund, stamp receipts to constitute __ ___ _ 451 Disposition of____________________ 452 Stamps, alteration, transfer, or COllll- terf('iting unlawfuL _____________ 452 Enforcement provisions, authority of t'nited States judges, commis- sioners, ('tc _____________________ 452 Penalty provisions _ ______________ ___ 452 Cooperation with States and territories in enforcemenL________________ 452 Terms defined ______________________ 453 Federal Industrial Institution for Women, Alderson, W.Va., appropriation for maintenance, etc__________________ 544 Federal Intermediate Credit Banks. See also Farm Credit Act; Federal Farm Loan Act. Production Credit Associations author- ized to borrow frolll, etc__________ 261