Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 48 Part 1.djvu/1367

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I INDEX. Federal Kidnaping Act: Transporting kidnaped persons in in- terstate commerce and holding for ransom, punishment for _________ _ Presumption on failure to release per- son within seven days ________ _ Punishment for conspiracy to violate provisions of acL __________ . __ Federal Land Banks. See also Fedcral Farm Mortgage Act; Federal Farm Loan Act. Appropriation for- Interest rate reductions on mort- gageS _______________________ _ Subscriptions to paid-in smplus of __ _ Deficiency appropriation for- Payments to, on account of reductions in interest rate on mortgages ___ _ Subscriptions to paid-in surplus of __ _ Directors of, to be ex officio directors of Production Credit Corporations and Banks for Cooperatives_____ _ Facilities, etc., of, to be available to Farm Loan Commissioner_______ _ Federal Loan and Saving Associations. See Home Owners' Loan Act, 1933. Federal Officers, punishment for killing or assaulting _______________________ _ Federal Oil Conservation Board, appro- priation for _____________________ _ Federal Open Market Committee. See Banking Aet of 1933. Federal Penal and Correctional Institu- tions, crimes in connection with ad- Page. 781 781 782 lOGO 1060 279 279 257 49 780 290 ministration oL _ _ ________________ 782 Federal Power Commission: Appropriation for _________________ 290,512 Electrical energy; investigation and report ofrate charge consun' !rs_ ___ 591 Utilization of records of State public service commissions ___________ 591 Funds made available_______ _______ 591 Federal Prison Industries: Creation of corporation; appointment and organization________________ 1211 Duties_ ____________________________ 1211 .. Prison Industries Fund", transf(~rred to Corporation_________________ 1211 Report to Congress; clause____ ________ 1212 Federal Radio Commission: Appropriation for _________________ 291,513 Allocation of radio frequencies to air- planes carrying mails_ ___________ 938 Grand Island, Nebr., radio station, purchase of additional lands for ___ 805 Transfer of eu)loyees, records, prop- erty, and appropriations to Fed- eral Communications Commission- 1102 Federal Real Estate and Storage Com- pany, paymcnt of interest on judg- ment in favor oL _________________ _ Federal Reserve Act, Amendments. See also Banking Act of 1933; Gold Re- serve Act of 1934. Advances to individual, partnership, corporation; authority to make __ _ Review of Federal Rc:serve Board __ _ Security; interest rates ____________ _ Assessments for expenses of Board; ac- quisition of building sitc, construc- tiOIL _________________________ _ Building site in District of Columbia, acquisition ____________________ _ Currency circulating notes, isslle of, on ~:~:i!t:f__~_~iTarmstroBot (talk) __S_t~~t _TarmstroBot (talk)iTarmstroBot (talk) Amount of issuc; value; redemption_ RegUlations governing issuance, etc __ Termination of authority to issuc __ _ Appropriation available for produc- tion oL _____________________ _ Farm loan bonds as security for ad- vances by Reserve banks _______ _ Farm Mortgage Corporation bonds, advances to member banks on deposit or pledge of- ___________ _ Purchase and sale of, having limited maturity date, by Reserve banks_ Federal Deposit Insurance Corpora- tion- Appointment of Corporation as re- ceiver ______________________ _ Alaska and Hawaii, banks in, in- cluded within tf'::' .. State banks" __ . __________________ _ Benefits extended to State banks until J ull 1, 1937 ____________ _ Certified stdement of Fund mem- bers, al of October 1, 1934 ____ _ Deposits eliGible for insurance, amount increased ____________ _ Deposits insured until July 1, 1935 __ Subscription to class A stock by member before July I, 1935 __ Insurance of deposits, member banks; effective July 1, 1935_________ _ Insurance of deposits of nonmember banks, class A stockholders, after July 1, 1937 _________________ _ Insurance of deposits, provisions ex- tended to Fund members not members of Federal Reserve system _____________________ _ Mutual savings banks, insurance of deposits ____________________ _ Payment of insured deposits, Fund member closing before June 30, 1935 _______________________ _ Page. 1047 7 7 7 1108 1108 6 6 6 7 7 46 348 348 969 971 970 969 969 969 969 969 970 969 969 969