Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 48 Part 1.djvu/1393

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lxxvi I~DEX. Liquor Taxing Act of 1934-Continued. l 'age. \ Hevenlle Act ot 1918, nmendments- Continued. Grape hranrly and wine spirits used in fOltifying, tax on_____________ 311 Malt liquors, tax OIL______________ 314 Repcal of section 1 (a\ of Act of March 22, 1933, taxing certain llonintoxi- eating liquors__________________ 314 Brewers; tax on; dcfin('(L ____________ 315 Distilled spirits and wines, floor tax O1L_ 315 Payments; regulations governing; extensions authorizcd_ ______ __ _ 315 Terms defined; "person", "dist illed spirits" _____________________ 315 "Internal-revenue taxes", not to in- clude taxes under the Agricultural Adjustment Act ________________ 315 Transportation of intoxicating liquors into state prohibiting sale, etc., unlawfuL______________________ 316 Ethyl alcol101 for governmental, scientific, etc., uses, excepted_ _ 316 Effective date of title______________ 316 Stamps_ ___________________________ 316 Distilled spirits, transportation, sale, etc. of, unless tax-paid stamp affixed unlawfuL_______________ 316 When provisions not applicable_ _____ 316 Application for and sale oL_________ 316 Sbmps- Affixing to containers______________ 3Hi 'Vho entitled to purchase; issue of; price_________________________ 317 Destruction ",}wn container emptied_ 317 Regulatiolls governing is:;He of ____ __ 31 i Forfeiture, (!it;tilled I'pirits in UIl- stamped contaillCL____________ 317 Counterfeiting, penalty pro\"i:;ions___ 317 Penalty provisions_ _________________ 317 Effective date of title___ ________ __ _ _ 317 Liquor Traffic in Africa, Convention Re- lating to, appropriation for contribu- tion_____________________________ 531 Lithuania, Estonia, and Latvia, appropria- tion for envoy extraordinary, etc., to_ 5:30 Livestock, estahlishuwnt of grazing dis- triett; for _________________ ________ 1269 Livestock Credit Corporations, loans hy Reconstrudion Finance Corporation to, authorized __ __________________ 141 Livestock Production Experiment.s, Houth- ern States, appropriation for _____ __ 41)7 Living, Cost of, appropriation for in- vestigation of _ ___________________ 5un Locomotive Inspection, appropriation for ___________ ______________ ___ 2!l3, 515 Logan School, D.C., am ~ol)riation for __ 235, SuO London, appropriatiun for dispnteh agency__________________________ 53a London Naval Treaty of 1930, construction Page. of vessels within terms estahlished by National Industrial Recovery Act_____________________________ 201 Long Beach, Calif., post ofTice contract modification to permit rdief for parthquake damages_ _____________ 308 Longshoremen's and Harbor 'Vorkers' Compensation Act: Arnendrnents- Medical and surgical treatment, suspension of benefit payments to injured employee refllsing_ __ 806 Compensation for disability; penna- nent partial disability, schedule of payments _________________ 806 PaYllwnt of disability benefits; lump- t;urn settlements_ _____________ 807 Detenuination of probability of death or remarriage _ _ _ _____ 807 Modification of compensation cases______________________ 807 Lorton, Va., loan from Federal Emer- gency Relief Administration for construction of jaiL_______________ 1215 Los Angeles, Calif., appropriation for hydrographic office expellses_ _ __ ___ 424 Lotteries, etc., broadcasting prohibited_ _ 1088 Louisiana: Appropriation for national foret;t ad- ministratiolL ___________________ 482 Lighthouse depot at New Orleans, ac- quisition of site for _____________ 657 May bridge Mississippi River at Baton Rougc ___________________ 507 Pass A'Loutre Li~hthouse Rescn-a- tion, eonvcyance of_____________ ntH i'ligar produeed ill, a\lotrnrnt of C}uota_ _ 673 I,ovette, O. B ., payment tn, contested- deetion expenses _ _ _ ______________ 102:3 Lowell (:reek, Alaska, deficieney appro- priation for flood rontroL_ _________ 99 Lower Matecumbe Key, Fla., bridges authorizcd from, to No Name Key _ _ 1:38 Lubricating Oils: SaIl'S to Illanllfaehlrer for resalr, tax free___________________________ 255 Vendee deeIIII'd Illltnufaeturer, etc _ _ 2;i5 TaxOll____________________________ 7t) 1 Luxemburg, appropriation for envoy ex- traordinary, etc., to_ _____ _________ 53() M Machinery Belting. See Agricultural Ad- justmcnt Aet, AllIelldlllPlltS. Madden Dam, Alhajuela, Panama, ap- propriation for ('ollstrul"tioll across Chagrcs Rin'r, ete________________ H41