Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 48 Part 1.djvu/332

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73d CONGRESS . SESS. I. CH. 101 . JUNE 16, 1933. Proviso .

Provided That when an an nuita nt he reunde r att ains the age which Deduc tion fro m an- nuity, when to cease . would have been the retirement age prescribed for automatic separa- tion from the service applicable to such annuitant had he continued in the service to such reti rement age, such deduction from the Reemployme nt of annuity shall cease . If and when any such annuitant shall be reem- ann uit ant . ployed in the service of the District of Columbia or the United States (includi ng any c orporati on the m ajority of the s tock of which is owned by the United States), the right to the annuity provided Determinati on of by this section shall cease and the subsequent annuity rights of such subsequent annuity rights . person shall be determined in accordance with the applicable provi- sions of retirement law existing at the time of the subsequent separa- tion of such person from the service . Canal zon e em ploy- (b) Whenever at any time hereafter prior to July 1, 1935, any Vol .46,p .1471.

person to whom the Canal Zone Retirement Ac t, approved March 2, 1931 (Publi c, Nu mbere d 781, Seve nty-f irst C ongre ss), applie s, wh en Annuity involuntarily who has an aggregate period of service of at least thirty years sep arated, etc .

computed as prescribed in section 7 of such Act, is involuntarily separated from the service for reasons other than his misconduct, such employee shall be entitled to an annuity computed as provided Deduction .

in section 6 of such Act payable from the Canal Zone retirement and disability fund less a sum equal to 5 per centum of such annuity Proviso .

Provi ded, Th at when an annuitant hereunder attains the age at w hen deduction to cease .

which he would have been entitled to retirement with annuity com- puted as provided in section 6 of such Act, such deduction from the a tee nploy ment of annuity shall cease . If and when any such annuitant shall be reem- ployed in the service of the District of Columbia or the United States (includi ng any c orporati on the m ajority of the s tock of which is owne d by the United States), the rig ht to th e annuit y provid ed by Determinati on of this section shall cease and the subsequent annuity rights of such subsequent annuity person shall be determined in accordance with the applicable pro- visio ns of retir ement law existi ng at the time of the subs equent separat ion of s uch pers on from the serv ice . Furlo ugh prov ision effective during fiscal Sxc. 9. (a) Until July 1, 1934, in cas es in which the number of year 1934.

officers and emp loyees i n any pa rticular service is in ex cess of the Past, p . 523 . number necessary for the requirements of such service, the heads of the several executive departments and independent establishments of the United States Gov er nme nt and the municipal government of the District of Columbia, respectively, are hereby authorized to fur- lough, without pay, any officers and employees carried on their respecti ve rolls for suc h period s as in their jud gment ma y be nec es- sary to distribute, as far as practicable, employment on the available work in such service among all the officers and employees of such Proviso.

service., in rotation : Provided, Th at no employee un der the cl ass i- L imita tion on fur- loueh period . fled civil service shall be furloughed under the provisions of this section for a total of more than ninety days during the fiscal year 1934, except after full and complete compliance with all the provi- Uniform application sions of the civil service laws and regulations relating to reductions of provisions. in personnel . Rules and regulations shall be promulgated by the President with a v iew to securing un if orm action by the heads of the various executive departments and independent Government es tablishm ents in the appl ication of the p rovision s of thi s sectio n, Rural Mail Delivery The provisions of this section relating to furloughs shall not apply Service . Carriersescepteds

to carri ers in t he Rural Mail De livery S ervice, b ut the P resident is Executive 1 18, Order No. 51 ;R, June authorized to suspend, or to reduce, for the duration of the fiscal year 1934, the allowance paid to such carriers for equipment main- tenance . Col. 4;, p. 407, repealed .

(b) Section 216 of the Legislative Appropriation Act for the fiscal . year 1933, and such section as continued and amended for the fiscal year 193 4, are h ereby re pealed .