Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 48 Part 1.djvu/335

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73d CONGRESS . SESS. I. CH. 101. J UNE 10, 1933 . and mai ntenan ce of the pr oject and ma turitie s of i nteres t and prin- cipal on its outst anding ob ligations , and (5) the borr ower shal l agree, to the satisfaction of the Corporation, to reduce, insofar as it law- fully m ay, th e annu al tax es, as sessme nts, an d othe r char ges im posed by it for or on account of the project by an amount proportional to the reduction in the corresponding annual requirements for prin- cipal and interest of its outstanding indebtedness by reason of the operation of this section. No loan shall be made under this section until the Reconstruction Finance Corporation (A) has caused an appraisal to be made of the property securing and/or underlying the outstanding bonds of the applicant, (B) has determined that the project of the applicant is economically sound, and (C) has been sa tisfie d that an ag reemen t has been e ntered into b etween the a ppli- cant and holders of its outstanding bonds or other obligations under which the applicant will be able to purchase or refund all or a major portion of su ch bon ds or other obliga tions a t a pr ice de termin ed by the Cor porati on to be rea sonabl e afte r takin g into consi derati on the average marke t pric e of s uch bo nds ov er the six mo nths' period end- ing March 1, 1933, and under which a substantial reduction will be brought about in the amount of the outstanding indebtedness of the applicant ." SE C. 20 . The President is hereby authorized under the provisions of Public Law Numbered 2, Seventy-third Congress, to establish such number of special boards (the majority of the members of which were not in the employ of the Veterans' Administration at the date of enactment of this Act), as he may deem necessary to review all claims (where the veteran entered service prior to November 11, 1918, and whose disability is not the result of his own misconduct), in which presumptive service connection has heretofore been granted under the World War Veterans' Act, 1924, as amended, wherein payments were being made on March 20, 1933, and which are held not service connected under the regulations issued pursuant to Pub- lic Law Numbered 2, Seventy-third Congress . Members of such boards may be appointed without regard to the Civil Service laws and regulations, and their compensation fixed without regard to the Classification Act of 1923, as amended . Such special boards shall determine, on all available evidence, the question whether service connection shall be granted under the provisions of the regulations i ssued purs uant to P ublic Law Numb ered 2, Se vent y-thi rd Co ngre ss (notwithstanding the evidence may not clearly demonstrate the exist- ence of the disease or any specific clinical findings within the terms of or period prescribed by regulation 1, part 1, subparagraph (c), or instruction numbered 2, regulation numbered 1, issued under Pub- lic Law Numbered 2, Seventy-third Congress), and shall in their de cision s reso lve al l reas onable doubt s in fa vor of the v eteran , the burden of proof in such cases being on the Government . Notwithstanding the provisions of section 17, title I, Public Numbered 2, Seventy-third Congress, any claim for yearly renew- able term insurance on which premiums we re paid to the date of death of the insured and any claim for pension, compensation allowance, or emergency officers' retirement pay under the provi- sions of laws repealed by said section 17 wherein claim was duly filed prior to March 20, 1933, may be adjudicated by the Veterans' Administration on the proofs and evidence received by the Veterans' Administration prior to March 20, 1933, and any person found entitled to the be nefits cl aimed sha ll be pai d such be nefits in accord- ance with and in the amounts provided by such prior laws

P rovid ed,

That the payments hereby authorized to be made shall continue only to include June 30, 1933, and only one original adjudicatory Reduction of annual t axes, ass essme nts, and charges. Conditions of loan . Appraisal of borrow- er's property . De terminatio n of economic soundness . C orpor atio n to ap- prove refunding agree- me nt between b orrow- er and holders of out- standing bonds. Board to review vet- erans claims in which presumptive service connection heretofore gra nted and den ied . Ante. p. 8. Vol .43, p.607. 309 Appointment of members . Determination of service connection . Ante, p. 8. Reasonable doubts; burden of proof Adjudication of c laims by Veter ans' Ad- ministration when filed prior to March 20, 1933. Ante, P. 11; post, p. 526 Proviso. Payments a uth or- ized ; acti ons and ap peals.