Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 48 Part 1.djvu/419

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73d C ONGRESS . SESS . II. CH. 38. MARCH 2, 1934 .

393 propelled passenger-carrying vehicles, and not to exceed $4,000 for personal ser vices, househ old equipment and furnishin gs, fuel, ice, and electricity necessary in the operation of Government House at Saint Thomas and Government House at Saint Croix ; $117,840. For salaries and expenses of the agricultural experiment station megri odorsl experi . and the vocational school in the Virgin Islands, including technical person nel, cl erks, and oth er pers ons ; scientific investig ations of plants and plant industries and diseases of animals ; de mon str ati ons in practical fa rming ; off icial t raveli ng expe nses ; fixtures, apparatus, and supplies ; clearing and fencing of land ; and other necessary expenses, in cluding not t o exceed $2,0 00 for purchas e, including exchange, maintenance, repair, and operation of motor-propelled passenger-carrying vehicles, $29,968 . For defraying ing the deficits in the treas uries of the m unicipal Defic its o f mu nicip al governments. governments because of the excess of current expenses over current reve nues for the fis cal year 193 5, m unic ipal ity of S aint Tho mas and Saint John, $90,000, and municipality of Saint Croix, $82,600 ; in all, $172,600 : Provided, That the amount herein appropriated for each Provisos . municipal government shall be expended only if an equiva lent Division of deficit . amount is raised by municipal revenues and applied to the operating costs of the respective government, except that for the fiscal year 1935 the contribution to the municipal governments shall not be less than $86,000 for the municipality of Saint Thomas and Saint John and $75,600 for the municipality of Saint Croix : Provided further, That Excess revenues for should the revenues of the municipality of Saint Thomas and Saint improvements . John, during the fiscal year 1935, exceed $90,000, and/or the revenues of th e muni cipali ty of Saint Croix excee d $82,600, such exce ss revenues may be expended for municipal improvements and operating costs of the municipalities under such rules and regulations as the President may prescribe . For such projects for the further development of agriculture and pro~ther developing industry, and for promoting the general welfare of the islands as may be approved by the President, including the acquisition by A cquis itio n of land . purchase, condemnation, or otherwise, of land and the construction of buildings for use in administering the affairs of the islands ; the purchase of land for sale as homesteads to citizens of the Virgin Islands ; and the making of loans for the construction of buildings, consns for building for the purchase of farming implements and equipment, and for other expenses incident to the cultivati on of land pur chased for resale as homesteads, $14,350 . SAINT ELIZAB ETHS H OSPITAL For support, clothing, and treatment in Saint Elizabeths Hospital for the Insane of insane persons from the Army, Navy, Marine Corps, and Coast Guard, insane inmates of the National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers, persons charged with or convicted of crimes against the United S tates who are insane, all p ersons who have become in sane since th eir entry int o the military and naval service of the United States, insane civilians in the quartermaster service of the Army, insan e per sons t ransfe rred f rom t he Can al Zone who have been admitted to the hospital and who are indigent, A meri can citi zens leg ally adj udge d in sane in the Domi nion of Cana da whose legal residence in one of the States, Territories, or the Dis- trict of Columbia it has been impossible to establish, insane bene- ficiaries of the United States Employees' Compensation Commission, and insane beneficiaries of the United States Veterans' Administra- tion, including not exceeding $27,000 for the purchase, exchange, mai ntenance, rep air, and oper ation of motor -propelled pa ssenger- Saint Elizabe ths Hospital. Maintenance, etc . Ins ane citizens in Canada .