Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 48 Part 1.djvu/562

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536 Interna tional Fisher- ies Commission . Share of expenses . Prisons far American convicts. Mai nte nan ce

ex- penses . Insane persons Bringing home per- sons charged wi th crime . Expenses R.S., sec 1275, p . 1022 . U.S.C , p. 511 Ante, p . 454 . M inor purch ases without advertising R.S ,see.3709.p.733. U.S.C., P. 2309. Restriction on ex- penditures for rent Expenses, procuring information for corpo- rations, etc . Short title. Department of Jus- tice. Attorney

General, Solicitor General . Personal services Books, purchase, etc. 73d CONGRESS . SE SS. II. CH . 104. APRI L 7, 1934 . INTERNATIONAL FISHERIES COMMISSION For the share of the United States of the expenses of the Inter- national Fisheries Commission, under the convention between the United States and Great Britain, concluded May 9, 1930, including salaries of two members and other employees of the Commission, travelin g expense s, charte r of vess els, pur chase of books, pe riodicals , furniture, and scientific instruments, contingent expenses, rent in the District of Columbia, and such other expenses in the United States and elsewhere as the Secretary of State may deem proper, to be disbursed under the direction of the Secretary of State, $31,500

Provi ded, That not to exceed $700 shall be expended by the Com- missioner and/or his staff in attending meetings of the Commission . PRISONS FOR AMERICAN CONVICTS For expenses of maintaining in China, the former Ottoman Empi re, Egy pt, Ethi opia , Mo roc co, and Musc at i nst itut ions for incarcerating American convicts and persons declared insane by any consular court ; wages of prison keepers ; rent of quarters for prisons ; ice and drinking water for prison purposes ; and for the expenses of keeping, feeding, and transportation of prisoners and persons declared insane by any consular court in China, the former Otto man Empi re, Egyp t, Ethi opia , Mo rocc o, and Musc at, so m uch as may be necessary ; $1,250 . BRINGING HOME PERSONS CHARGED WITH CRIME For every expenditure requisite for or incident to the bringing home from foreign countries of persons charged with crime as authori zed by secti on 527 5 of t he Rev ised St atutes (U .S .C ., title 18, sec . 659), $2,000 . Section 3709 of the Revised Statutes (U.S .C ., title 41, sec . 5) shall not apply to any purchase or service rendered payable from the fore- going appropriations when the aggregate amount involved does not exceed $100 or when the purchase or service relates to the packing of personal and household effects of Dip lomatic, Consular, and Foreign Service officers and clerks for foreign shipment . No portion of the sums appropriated in title I of this Act shall, unless expressly authorized, be expended for rent or rental allowances in the District of Columbia or elsewhere in the United States . Wherever the Secretary of State, in his discretion, procures information on behalf of corporations, firms, and individuals, the expense of cablegrams and telephone service involved may be charged against the r espect ive ap propri ations for th e serv ice ut ilized ; a nd reimbursement therefor shall be required from those for whom the information was procured and, when made, be credited to the appro- p riati on un der which the expen ditu re wa s cha rged . This title may be cited as the " Department of State Appropriation Act, 1935 ." TI TLE II-DEPARTMENT OF JU ST ICE OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL Salaries : For the Attorney General, Solicitor General, Assistant to the Attorn ey Gen eral, and ot her pe rsonal servic es in the Di strict of Columbia ; $1, 216 ,50 0 . Books : For the purchase of law books, books of reference, and periodicals, including the exchange thereof, for the Department of