Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 48 Part 1.djvu/586

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560 pplication of a ir- pla n A e to field work . Photo grap hic appa- ratus . Bureau of Fis heries . 73d CONGRE SS . SESS. II. CII. 10 4. APRIL 7, 1934. Appropriations herein made for the field expenses of the Coast and Geodetic Survey shall be available for expenditures in the application of the airplane to the field work of the Coast and Geodetic Survey, and not to exceed a total of $25,000 of said appro- pria tions shal l be avai lable for the purch ase o r co nstru ction of cameras and other photographic apparatus, for equipment, except airplanes, and for employment of personnel in the field and office in connection with such work . BUREAU OF FISHERIES Commissioner and office

Commissioner's office : For the commissioner and other personal personnel .

services in the District of Columbia, $136,600 . ropag atio n of food Propagation of food fishes : For maintenance, repair, alteration, impr oveme nt, e quipm ent, and opera tion of f ish-c ultu ral s tatio ns, genera l prop agatio n of f ood fi shes a nd thei r dist ributi on, in cludin g movement, maintenance, and repairs of cars, purchase of equipment (including rubber boots and oilskins) and apparatus, contingent expenses, pay of permanent employees not to exceed $353,110, tem- porary labor, and not to exceed $10,000 for propagation and distribu- tion of fresh-water mussels and the necessary expenses connected therewith, and not to exceed $10,000 for the purchase, collection, and trans porta tion of s pecim ens a nd o ther expen ses i ncid ental to t he maintenance and operation of aquarium, of which not to exceed $4,500 may be expended for personal services in the District of Columbia, $560,950 . ve ssels' mainte- nance . Maintenance of vessels : For maintenance and operation of vessels and l aunch es, i nclu ding purch ase and r epair of b oats , app aratu s, machine ry, an d othe r faci lities requi red for use w ith th e same , hire of vess els, t empora ry emp loyees , and all oth er nec essary expen ses in connection therewith, including not to exceed $1,000 for the pur- chase of plans and specifications for vessels or for contract personal services for the preparation thereof, and money accruing from com- mutation of rations and provisions on board vessels may be paid on proper vouchers to the persons having charge of the mess of such vessels , $135 ,380, of whi ch not to ex ceed $4 ,420 m ay be expend ed for pay of officers and employees of vessels of the Atlantic coast and not to exceed $67,500 for pay of officers and crews of vessels for the Alaska service.

Alaska Fisher ies Se rvice, and $ 10,000 shall be imm ediate ly ava ilable supplies, etc., to Pr,- bilof Islands.

for the procurement of supplies and equipment required for ship- Commutation

to the Pribilof Islands for the service of the fiscal year 1935 . c ommut atio n of ra- lions Commutation of rations (not to exceed $1 per day) may be paid to officers and crews of vessels of the Bureau of Fisheries during the fiscal year 1935 under regulations prescribed by the Secretary of Commerce . Food fishes inquiry. Inquiry respecting food fishes : For inquiry into the cause of the decrease of food fishes in the waters of the United States, and for inves tigat ion a nd e xperi ments in respe ct to the aqua tic a nimal s, plants, and w aters, and s creeni ng of irrigat ion di tches in fis hways, in the interests of fish culture and the fishery industries, including pay of permanent employees not to exceed $93,570, temporary employees, maintenance, repair, improvement, equipm ent, and operations of biological stations, expenses of travel and preparation of reports, $127,07 4 . Fishery industries . Statistical studies. Fishery industries : For collection and compilation of statistics of the fisheies and the study of their methods and relations, and the methods of preservation and utilization of fishery products . including pay of permanent employees not to exceed $24,270, compensation of temporary employees, travel and preparation of reports, including