Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 48 Part 1.djvu/602

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73d CONGRESS . SESS. II. CHS. 114-116 . APRIL 13, 1934 . parties in interest making the necessary transfers and dedication, which plat or plats, after being signed by the various interested par- ties and officials, and approved by the Commissioners of the District of Co lumbia, upon recommendation of the Natio nal Capital P ark and Planning Commission, shall be recorded upon order of said Commis- ar~a sglegal evidence sioners in the office of the surveyor of the District of Columbia, and said plat or plats and certificates when so recorded shall constitute a legal dedication and legal transfers of the property described for the purposes designated according to the provisions of this Act . Approved, April 13, 1934 . [CHAPTER 115 .] Apr il 13,1934 .


[S. 2545 . , To extend the times for commencing and completing the construction of a bridge across the Columbia River at or near Astoria, Oregon . Be it enacte d by the Sena te and House of Representat ives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the times for commenc ing and compl eting the cons truction of a bridge across the Columbia River at or near Astoria, Oregon, authorized to be built by J . C . Tenbrook, as mayor of Astoria, Oregon, his successors in office and assigns, by an Act of Congress approved June 10, 1930, are Authority trans- ferred to Clatsop Corn

hereby extended one and three years, respectively, from February 9, ty Cour t

1934, and said Act is hereby amended by striking out the words " J . C . Tenbrook, as mayor of Astoria, Oregon," wherever they appear in said Act and by inserting in lieu thereof the following : Hold ing company "The County Court of Clatsop County, Oregon" : P rov ide d, That until costs, etc ., are the Rivers Improvement Corporation (an Oregon corporation), liquidated . assignee of the right to build such bridge under such Act, and organ- ized solely to construct such bridge for the public, shall contract to tr ansfer such b ridge u pon the liqui dation of all costs or obli gations with respect to the construction thereof to the county of Clatsop (Oregon ), city of As toria (Oregon) , and/or Paci fic County (Wa sh- ington) as may be agreed among them, without profit to said Rivers Improvement Corporation and without cost to such public bodies, in such manner as will not involve such public bodies as the holder or owner of any stock in any association, joint-stock company, or corporation . SEC . 2 . The right to alter, amend, or repeal this Act is hereby expressly reserved . Approved, April 13, 1934 . [Public, No . 154 .1 Col umbia River . Time ext ended for Gr eg bridging, at Astoria, Vl. 46, p. 540; Vol. 47, p . 799, amended . Amendment . April 13, 1934. [S . 2550.1 [Public, No. 155 .) Green County, Mo. Ea sement granted over certain lands to t he Sp ring field Spec ial Roa d District Description . [CHAPTER 116 .] AN ACT Granting an easement over certain lands to the Springfield Special Road District in the county of Gr eene, State of Missouri, for road pur poses . Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United State s of America in Congress a ssembled, Th at an easeme nt over the following-described land, to wit : A strip of land thirty feet wide off the right side of the following-described center line Beginning forty feet south of the northeast corner of the northwest quarter northe ast quarter s ection 34, tow nship 29 nort h, range 22 west ; thence south two thousand five hundred and nine and ninety- one one-hundredths feet ; thence to the left on a curve with one hundred and forty-six and nineteen one-hundredths feet radius two hundred and twenty-five and ninety-one one-hundredths feet, except that part of the curve lying in tile southwest corner southeast quar-