Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 48 Part 1.djvu/61

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73d CONGRESS . SESS. I. CH. 25. MAY 12, 1933 .

35 (3 ) To i ssue l icense s perm itting proce ssors, associ ations of pr o- To issue licenses, per- mitt ing handlin g of ducers, and others to engage in the handling, in the current of any agricultural com- i nters tate or f oreig n com merce , of any agric ultu ral c ommod ity or prod mod us or c ompe ting ct thereof . product thereof, or any competing commodity or product thereof . Terms of issue . Such li censes shall be su bject to suc h terms and c onditi ons, n ot in conflict with existing Acts of Congress or regulations pursuant there- to, as may be necessary to eliminate unfair practices or charges that prevent or tend to prevent the effectuation of the declared policy and the restoration of normal economic conditions in the marketing of such commodities or products and the financing thereof . The Secre- tary of Agriculture may suspend or revoke any such license, after due notice and opportunity for hearing, for violations of the terms or conditions thereof . Any order of the Secretary suspending or revoking any such license shall be final if in accordance with law . Any such person engaged in such handling without a license as required by the Se cretary u nder this section shall be subject t o a fine of not more than $1,000 for each day during which the violation continues. (4) To require any licensee under this section to furnish such repor ts as to q uant ities of a gric ultur al co mmodi ties or p roduc ts thereof bought and sold and the prices thereof, and as to trade practices and charges, and to keep such systems of accounts, as may be necessary for the purpose of part 2 of this title . (5) No person engaged in the storage in a public warehouse of any b asic agric ultu ral c ommod ity in th e cur rent of i nters tate or foreign commerce, shall deliver any such commodity upon which a warehouse receipt has been issued and is outstanding, without prior surrender and cancellation of such warehouse receipt . Any person violating any of the provisions of this subsection shall, upon conviction, be punished by a fine of not more than $5,000, or by imprisonment for not more than two years, or both . The Secretary of Agri cultur e may revoke any l icense issued under subse ction (3) of this sect ion, if h e finds, after due notice a nd opport unity for hearing, that the licensee has viola ted the p rovisions of this subsectio n . PROCESS ING TAX SEC. 9. (a) To ob tain r evenue for e xtraor dinary expens es inc urred by rea son of the n ationa l econ omic e mergenc y, the re sha ll be levied processing taxes as hereinafter provided . When the Secretary of Agri cultu re de termi nes that renta l or bene fit p ayme nts a re to be made with respect to any basic agricultural commodity, he shall proclaim such determination, and a processing tax shall be in effect with respect to such commodity from the beginning of the marketing year therefor next following the date of such proclamation . The processing tax shall be levied, assessed, and collected upon the first domestic processing of the commodity, whether of domestic pro- duction or imported, and shall be paid by the processor. The rate of tax shall conform to the requirements of subsection (b) . Suc h rate shall be determined by the Secretary of Agriculture as of the date the tax first takes effect, and the rate so determined shall, at such intervals as the Secretary finds necessary to effectuate the declar ed pol icy, b e adju sted b y him to conf orm to such requir ements . The pr ocessi ng tax shall termi nate a t the e nd of the ma rketin g year current at the time the Secretary proclaims that rental or benefit payments are to be discontinued with respect to such commodity . The marketing year for each commodity shall be ascertained and Licenses may be sus- pended or revoked . Sec retary's orde r fi- nal . Penalty for violation . To require licensee to furnish reports and to keep system of ac- cou nts . Re moval, on w hich wa rehouse rece ipt is out standing, un lawful . Punishment for . R evoca tion of l icens e for violation. Post, p . 672. Processing tax. Levy of, to meet eco- nomic emergencies . Post, p. 676 . Ren tal , etc ., pay- ments . Effective date of tax . Levy, assessment, etc. Rate. Termination.