Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 48 Part 1.djvu/698

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73d CONGRESS . SESS. II. CH. 263 . MAY 9, 1934 . determined from available statistics of the Department of Agricul- Tax rate not to ex- ture) ; except that such rate shall not exceed the amount of the reduc- ceed reduction of rate on pound of raw value . tion by the President on a pound of sugar raw value of the rate of Vol .46,p . 630. duty in effect on January 1, 1934, under paragraph 501 of the Tariff Act of 1930, as adjusted to the treaty of commercial reciprocity con- cluded between the United States and the Republic of Cuba on December 11, 1902, and/or the provisions of the Act of December 17, 1903, chapter 1 ." Commodity ty benefits . SEC . 4. Section 8 of the Agricultural Adjustment Act, as amended, is amended by adding at the end thereof the following new section Standards for exer- " SEC . 8a . (1) Having due regard to the welfare of domestic cise of powers by Secre- tary of agriculture . producers and to the protection of domestic consumers and to a just relation between the prices received by domestic producers and the prices paid by domestic consumers, the Secretary of Agriculture may, in order to effectuate the declared policy of thi s Act, from time to time, by orders or regulations- Quotas to be fixed .

" (A) (i) Forbid processors, handlers of sugar, and others from Or ders forbid ding iming, processing, importing sugar into continental United States for consumption, or etpirn t excess of. which shall be consumed, therein, and/or from transporting to, r ecei ving in, pro cess ing or m arke ting in, con tine ntal Uni ted Stat es, and/or from processing in any area to which the provisions of this title with respect to sugar beets and sugarcane may be made appli- cable, for consumption in continental United States, sugar from the Virgin Islands, the Philippine Islands, the Canal Zone, American Samoa, the island of Guam, and from foreign countries, including Cuba, respecti vely, in exce ss of quotas fixed by the S ecretary of Agriculture, for any calendar year, based on average quantities Determinat ion of therefrom brou ght into or i mported into continental Un ited States quotas . for consumption, or which was actually consumed, therein, during such three years, respectively, in the years 1925-1933, inclusive, as the Secretary of Agricultur e may, from t ime to time, d etermine to a djustment . be the most representative respective three years, adjusted, together with the quotas established pursuant to paragraph (ii), (in such manner as the Secretary shall determine) to the remainder of the total estimate d consumption requirements of sugar for continental United States, determined pursuant to subsection (2) of this section, after deducting therefrom the quotas for continental United States, PD1Cei8oB . con sum pt ion provided for by paragraph (B) of this subsection : Provided, hoio- sugar from ins ular pox- ever, That in such quotas there may be included, in the case of the sessi ons i nclu ded . Virgin Islands, the Philippine Islands, the Canal Zone, American Samoa, and the island of Guam, direct-consumption sugar up to an amou nt n ot e xcee ding the res pect ive quan titi es o f di rect -con sump tion sugar therefrom brought into or imported into continental United States for consumption, or which was actually consumed, therein during the year 1931, 1932, or 1933, whichever is greater, and in the From Cuba .

case of Cuba ., direct-consumption sugar up to an amount not exceed- ing 22 per centum of the quota established for Cuba : And provided Imports where draw- f, That any imported sugar, with re spect to whic h a drawback back allowed deemed nonquota.

of duty is allowed, under the provisions of section 313 of the Tariff Vol.46,p. 693.

Act of 1930, shall not be charged against the quota established by the Secretar y of Agricult ure hereunder for the count ry from which such sugar was imported, and the Secretary of Agriculture may, Read just ments per - by orders or regulations, readjust any quota subject to the provisions mitted .

of this section, except quotas fixed by paragraph (B) of this sub- allotments ; delega- section ; and may allot (or appoint an officer, including the Governor tion of authority .

General of the Philippine Islands for that area, in his name to allot) any quota, and readjust any such allotment, from time to time, among the processors, handlers of sugar and others ; and/or