Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 48 Part 1.djvu/834

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73d CONGRESS . SESS . II. CHS. 355, 356. MAY 26, 1934 . SEC . 3 . Such coins may be disposed of at par or at a premium by said Commission and all proceeds shall be used in furtherance of the Daniel B oone Bicenten nial Commissi on projects . Coinage laws appli- SEC. 4. That all laws now in force relating to the subsidiary silver cable . coins of the United States and the coining or striking of the same ; regulating and guarding the process of coinage ; providing for the purchase of material, and for the transportation, distribution, and redemption of the coins ; for the prevention of debasement or coun- terfeiting ; for security of the coin ; or for any other purposes, whether said laws are penal or otherwise, shall, so far as applicable, apply to the coinage herein directed . Approved, May 26, 1934 . Disposal; use of pro- ceeds . May 26, 1 934 . [S . 2442.] [Public, No . 259.] Salt Lake City, Utah, water supply . Surface use of lands by settlers on mining locat ions with in wa ter- shed permitte d . Lands situate in Wa- s atch Nati onal Fore st ; description . Mineral and timber rig hts granted . Proviso . Timber removal . Restriction . [CH AP TER 356 .1 AN ACT For the protection of the municipal water supply of the city of Salt Lake City, State of Utah . Be it en act ed by the Senate and House o f Representatives o f the United States o f Am eri ca in Congress as sem bl ed, That hereafter mining locations made under the United States mining laws upon lands within the municipal watershed of the city of Salt Lake City, within the Wasatch National Forest in the State of Utah, specifically described as follows- South half section 22 ; all of section 23 ; and sections 25 to 36, inclusive ; township 1 south, range 2 east, Salt Lake meridian . South half of section 30 ; and sections 31 to 33, inclusive ; town- ship 1 south, range 3 east, Salt Lake meridian . S outhea st qua rter n orthe ast qu arter and e ast ha lf sou theast quarter section 11 ; south half and south half north half section 12 ; north half, southeast quarter, east half southwest quarter and north- west quarter southwest quarter section 13 ; east half northeast quarter and nort heas t qu arte r so uthe ast quar ter sect ion 14 ; east half no rth- west quarter ; and east half section 24 ; southeast quarter section 25, township 2 south, range 1 east, Salt Lake meridian . All of township 2 south, range 2 east, Salt Lake meridian . West half section 3 ; sections 4 to 9 ; west half and southeast quarter section 10, south half section 14 ; sections 15 to 23 ; west half section 24 ; west half section 25 ; sections 26 to 35 ; and west half section 36 ; township 2 south, range 3 east, Salt Lake meridian . East half section 1, township 3 south, range 1 east, Salt Lake meridian . Sections 1 to 18, inclusive ; and sections 20 to 24, inclusive ; town- ship 3 south, range 2 east, Salt Lake meridian . Sections 1 to 9, inclusive ; north half section 10 ; and section 18, township 3 south, range 3 east, Salt Lake meridian . shall confer on the locator the right to occupy and use so much of the surface of the land covered by the location as may be reasonably necessary to carry on prospecting and mining, including the taking of mineral deposits and timber required by or in the mining opera- tions, and no permit shall be required or charge made for such use or occupancy : Provided, however, That the cutting and removal of timber, except where clearing is necessary in connection with mining operations or to provide space for buildings or structures used in connection with mining operations, shall be conducted in accordance with the rules for timber cutting on adjoining national-forest land, and no use of the surface of the claim or the resources therefrom not reasonably required for carrying on mining and prospecting