Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 48 Part 1.djvu/877

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73d C ONGRESS . SES S. II. CH. 389. JUNE 4, 1934 .

851 District of Columbia ; expenses authorized by law in connection with the removal of dangerous or unsafe and insanitary buildings, includ- ing payment of a fee of $6 per diem to each member of board of survey, other than the inspector of buildings, while actually employed on surveys of dangerous or unsafe buildings ; and other general necessary expenses of District offices ; $36,000 : Prov ided, That no part of this or any other appro priati on cont ained in thi s Act shall be expended for printing or binding a schedule or list of supplies and materials for the furnishing of which contracts have been or may be awarded . For printing and binding, $40,000 . Removing u nsa fe, etc., buildings . Proviso . Printing, etc., of list of supplies forb idden . Printing and binding . CENTRAL GARAGE

Central Garage . For maintenance, care, repair, and operation of passenger-carry- A utomo bile s, m ain, ing automobiles owned by the District of Columbia, including per- tenance, etc' sonal services, $56,806 ; for exchange of such passenger-carrying automobiles now owned by the District of Columbia as, in the ju dgment of th e Comm ission ers of said Distric t, hav e or s hall b ecome unserviceable, $8,000 ; in all, $64,806 . All motor-propelled passenger-carrying vehicles owned by the Restriction on use of « 

,, District-owned vehi- District of Columbia shall be used exclusively for official purposes dies . directly pertaining to the public services of said District, and shall be under the direction and control of the Commissioners, who may Under control of from time to ti me a lter or ch ange the assig nment for use there of Commissioners. or direct the joint or interchangeable use of any of the same by officials and employees of the District, except as otherwise provided in this Act ; and " official purposes " shall not include the transpor- T ransp orta tion be- tation of off icers and em ployee s betw een the ir dom iciles and p laces tween domicile and place of emp lo yme nt . of employment, except as to the Commissioners of the District of Colum bia a nd in cas es of offi cers and emplo yees the chara cter of whose duties makes such transportation necessary and then only as to such latt er c ases when the same is ap prove d by the Commi s- sioners : Pr ovided , That no passenger-carrying automobile, except Proviso. busses, patrol wagons, and ambulances, and except as otherwise s trict iPurc hase pric e re- on. specifically authorized in this Act, shall be acquired under any pro- vision of this Act, by purchase or exchange, at a cost, including the value of a vehicle exchanged, exceeding $650 . No motor vehicles Transfer forbidden . shall be transferred from the police or fire departments to any other branch of the government of the District of Columbia . Appropriations in this Act shall not be used for the payment of Fire insurance pro- premiums or other cost of fire insurance .

miums forbidden . For postage for strictly official mail matter, including the rental Postage . of postage meter equipment, $22,500 . The Commis sioner s are author ized, in thei r disc retion , to f urnish Car fare, etc. necessary transportation in connection with strictly official business of the District of Columbia by the purchase of street car and bus fares from appropriations contained in this Act : Provided, That the Prorisvs e xpend iture s he rein autho rized sha ll be so a ppor tione d as not to L imita tion . exceed a total of $9,500 : Provided further, That the provisions of Fire and police de- this paragraph shall not include the appropriations herein made for par tments excep ted . the fire and police departments . For judicial expenses, including witness fees, and expert services Judicial e xpenses . i n District cases before the Supreme Court of said District, $1,500 : Provided, That the Commissioners of the District of Columbia are Provisos authorized, when in their judgment such action be deemed in the Con tracts for re port- public interest, to contract for stenographic reporting services with- "' permitted . out regard to section 3709 of the Revised Statutes (U .S .C ., title 41, U.S.O sc. ep31 36 743