Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 48 Part 1.djvu/887

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73d CONGRESS . SESS. II. CH. 389. JUNE 4, 1934 .

861 For the purchase of additional land at the Phelps Vocational School for elementary school purposes, $55,000 : Provided, That no part of this amount shall be ob ligate d or ex pended unles s and until the Jefferson Junior High School site shall have been acquired within the sum contained in this Act for such purpose . For an additional amount for the purchase of a site for the Jeffer- son Junior High School, $105,000 . No part of the foregoing appropriations for public schools shall be used for instructing children under five years of age except chil- dren ente ring duri ng the fi rst half of the sc hool year who will be five years of age by November 1, 1934, and children entering during the second half of the school year who will be five years of age by March 15, 1935 : Pro vided , Tha t this limit ation shall not be consi dered a s preventing the employment of a matron an d the care of children under school age at the Webster School whose parent or parents are in attendance in connection with Americanization work . None of the money appropriated by this Act shall be paid or obligat ed tow ard th e cons tructi on of or addi tion t o any buildi ng the whole and entire construction of which, exclusive of heating, light- ing, plumbing, painting, and treatment of grounds, shall not have been awarded in one or a single contract, separate and apart from any other contract, project, or undertaking, to the lowest responsible bidder comply ing wi th all the l egal r equirem ents a s to a depos it of money or the execution of a bond, or both, for the faithful perform- ance of the contract : Provided, That nothing herein shall be con- strued as rep ealing exist ing la w givi ng the Commis sioner s the right to reject all bids . The plans and specifications for all buildings provided for in this Act under appropriations administered by the Commissioners of the Dis trict of Col umbia shall be pre pared u nder t he sup ervisi on of the municipal architect, and those for school buildings after con- sultation with the Board of Education, and shall be approved by the Commissioners and shall be constructed in conformity thereto . The schoo l buil dings author ized a nd app ropriat ed for herei n shal l be constructed with all doors intended to be used as exits or entrances opening outward, and each of said buildings having in excess of eight rooms shall have at least four exits . Appropriations carried in this Act shall not be used for the maintenance of school in any building unless all outside doors thereto used as exits or entrances shall open outward and be kept unlocked every school day from one half hour before until one half hour after school hours . MET ROPOL ITAN P OLICE SALAR IES MISCELLANEOUS For fuel, $7,000 . For repairs and improvements to police stations and station grounds, 8,000 . Phelps Vocational additional site. Proviso . Cond iti on . Jef fer son Ju nior high, site . Und er age in str uc- tion pr ohibite d Proviso Webster School pr o- vision . Buildin g contr act re- quirements . Proviso . Right to reject bids . Preparation of plans Exit, etc ., require. ments Police. For the pay and allowances of officers and members of the Metro- politan Police Force, in accordance with the Act entitled "An Act to fix the salaries of the Metropolitan Police Force, the United States Park Police Force, and the fire department of the District of Columbia" (43 Stat ., pp . 174-175), as amended by the Act of July 1, 1930 (46 Stat ., pp . 839-841), including compensation at the rate of $2,10 0 per annum for th e pres ent ass istant prope rty cl erk of the police department, $2,790,000 . For personal services, $109,980 .

Persona l servi ces . Salaries, officers, etc . Vol .43,p.174. Vol.46,p.839 . Miscellaneous . Fuel . Repairs , etc .