Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 48 Part 1.djvu/936

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910 June 6, 1934 . [H.R. 8494.1 [Pub lic, No .294.] Quinault Indian Res- ervation, wash ., tim- ber sales . Modification of ex- isting contracts with consent of Indians . Provisos . Condition of opera- tion . Increasing stumpage prices. Consent of Quinault council to sale of tim- ber . Existing contracts between individual al- lottees, etc ., may be modified . Indian labor . Ozette Railway Company . C ontra cts for h aulin g logs . [CHAPTER 408 .1

AN ACT June 6, 1934 . [H .R .9370.1 To authorize an appropriation of money to facilitate the apprehension of certain [Pu blic, No . 295.1

persons charged with crime . Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States o f America in Congress assembled, That there is hereby authorized to be appropriated, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, as a reward or rewards for the capture of anyone who is charged with violation of criminal laws of the United States or any State or of the District of Columbia the sum of $25,000 to be apportioned and expended in the discre- Persons charged with crime . App rop ria ti on au- thorized; reward for capture . 73d CONG RESS. SESS. II. CHS. 407, 408 . JU NE 6, 1934 . [CHAPTER 407 .] AN ACT To authorize the Secretary of the Interior to modify the terms of existing contracts for the sale o f timber on the Quin ault Indian Reservat ion when it is in th e interest of the Indians so to do . Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States o f America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the Interi or, wi th the conse nt of the Ind ians i nvolve d, exp ressed through a regularly called general council, and of the purchasers, is hereby authorized to modify the terms of now-existing and uncom- pleted contracts of sale of Indian tribal timber on the Quinault Indian Reservation in the State of Washington : Provided, That any suc h modi ficati ons sh all be upon the exp ress c onditi on tha t said purchaser shall forthwith proceed to operate under all the terms of said contract as modified or suffer forfeiture of such contract and collection upon bond : And provided further, That any modification of said contracts shall stipulate that in the event of sufficiently improved economic conditions the Secretary of the Interior with the consent of the said general council is authorized, after consulta- tion with the purchasers and the Indians involved and after ninety days' notice to them, to increase stumpage prices of timber reduced in any such modified contract : An d pro vide d fur ther, That here after no contract of sale of Indian tribal timber on the Quinault Indian Reservation in Washington shall be entered into without the consent of the said general council . SEC . 2 . The Secretary of the Interior may modify existing con- tracts between individual Indian allottees or their heirs and pur- chasers of th eir ti mber, under the te rms and requi rement s of s ection 1 of this Act, with the consent of the allottee or his heirs . SEC. 3 . In all such modified contracts the purchasers of Indian timber on tribal lands or on restricted or trust allotments in all operations pertaining to the logging and manufacturing of said timber shall be required to give preference to the employment of Indian labor . SEC . 4 . That any modification of the contract with the Ozette Railway Company shall stipulate that that company shall haul logs of other timber owners on its railroad line, as freight, for such other owners with its ordinary equipment and at reasonable charges when such logs are tendered to it at places on its railroad line desig- nated by such company; and its railroad shall be, and become, a common-carrier railroad and be extended to the Hoh River and be a common -carri er rai lroad for it s enti re leng th . Approved, June 6, 1934 .