Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 48 Part 1.djvu/958

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932 Ant e, pp . 200,275. "Conversion of in- habited alleys fund ." Additional sums may be borrowed . Use asa revo lvin g fu nd Availability ; annual appropriati on after 1935. Limitation on prop- er ty payments . Pla ns to be expe- dited . Reports . Occupying any alley dwelling after July 1, 194 4, unl awf ul . Construction hereaf- ter forbidden . Punishment for vio- lation . Detailed report to be made . Complete report upon completion of work . Statement and re c- ommendation if not completed within time scheduled . Ac complishmen t by July 1, 1944 . Lo ans under, may extend beyond such time . 73d CONGRESS . SESS . II. CH. 465 . JUNE 12, 1934 . and as needed, from the allocation made from th e appropriatio n to carry out the purposes of the National Industrial Recovery Act, contained in the Fourth Deficiency Act, fiscal year 1933, now car- ried under the title, " Natio nal Industria l Recovery, Fe deral Emer- ge ncy Admi nis trat ion of Publ ic Work s, H ous ing, 193 3-1 935 ", symbol 03/5666, not to exceed $500, 000 of any amount thereof dedi- cated for low-cost housing and shun-clearance projects in the Dis- trict of Columbia, to be set aside in the Treasury and be known as " Conversion of inhabited alleys fund" (hereinafter referred to as the " fund ") (b) The Authority is hereby authorized and empowered to bor- row such moneys from individuals or private corporations as may be secured by the property and assets acquired under the provisions of this Act, and such moneys, together with all receipts from sales, leases, or other sources, shall be deposited in the fund and shall be available for the purposes of this Act . (c) The fund shall remain available until June 30, 1935, and thereafter shall be available annually in such amount as may be specified in the annual appropriation Acts . (d) The total amount paid for property or properties acquired in any square shall not exceed 30 per centum over and above the present assessed value of all the property or properties acquired in any square to carry out the provisions of this Act . SEC. 4. (a) The objects set forth in section 1 of this Act shall be accomplished as rapidly as feasible and to this end the Authority shall, in its repor t for t he fisc al yea r endin g June 30, 19 34, set forth what it purposes to do during the next succeeding fiscal year . In each succeeding annual report it shall set forth its proposals for the next year. (b) On and after July 1, 1944, it shall be unlawful to use or occupy any alley building or structure as a dwelling in the District of Columbia . (c) No alley dwelling shall hereafter be constructed in the Dis- trict of Columbia, nor shall any building or structure be moved, altered, or converted for use as an alley dwelling . (d) Any pers on violating any of the pr ovisions of th is section shall, upon conviction th ereof, be pun ished by a fin e of not more than $500 or by imprisonment for not more than six months, or both . Each week of seven days of the continuance of any such violation shall constitute a separate offense . SEC . 5 . (a) The Authorit y shall make a report to th e President, which he shall transmit to Congress at the beginning of each regular session, giving a full and detailed account of all operations under the provisions of this Act for the preceding fiscal year . (b) Upon completion of the work contemplated by this Act the President shall submit a complete report to Congress giving a full and detailed account of all operations for the entire period of operation . If such work is not completed by July 1, 1944, the President shall, on July 1, 1944, or at the opening of the next regu- lar session of Congress after such date, make a report to Congress covering the operations under this Act for the entire period to July 1, 1944, including a statement of what further work remains to be done, and recommendation for further legislation if in his opinion such legislation is necessary . (c) It is here by declared t o be the purp ose and intent of Con- gress that the objects set forth in section 1 of this Act shall be accomplished, if possible, on or before July 1, 1944, except that loans made under this Act may run for periods extending beyond such time .