Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 48 Part 2.djvu/245

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FRIENDSHIP, ETC., TREATY-POLAND. JUNE 15, 1931. 1517 ARTICLE VII The nationals and merchandise of each High Contracting Party within the territories of the other shall receive the same treatment as nationals and merchandise of the country with regard tointemal taxes, charges in respect to ware- housing and other facilities. ARTICLE VIII No duties of tonnage, harbor, pilotage, lighthouse, quarantine, or similar or corresponding duties or charges of whatever denomination, levied in the name or for the profit of the Govem- ment, public functionaries, private individuals, corporations or estab- lishments of any kind shall be imposed in the ports of the terri- tories of either country upon the vessels of the other, which shall not equally, under the same con- ditions be imposed on national vessels. Such equality of treat- ment shall apply reciprocally to the vessels of the two countries respectively from whatever place they may arrive and whatever may be their place of destination. ARTICLE IX For the purposes of this Treaty, merchant vessels and other privately owned vessels under the flag of either of the High Contracting Parties, and c~ the papers required by its national laws in proof of nationality, shall, botli within the territorial waters of the other High Contracting Party and on the high seas, be deemed to be the vessels of the Party whose flag is flown. ARTICLE X Merchant vessels and other privately owned vessels under the flag of either of the High Con- tracting Parties shall be per- mitted to discharge portions of cargoes at any port open to for- eign commerce in the territories of the other High Contracting Party, and to proceed with the ARTYKUL VII Ob~atele i towary kaidej z Equality of lDte'DaI Wysokich Umawiaj~ych si~ Stron taxes, etc. b~~ korzystali na terytorjum drugiej Strony z tego samego traktowarua CO krajowcy i towary krajowe, 0 ile chodzi 0 podatki wewn~trzne, oplaty za skladowe i za inne udogodnienia. ARTYKUL VIII Zadne oplaty tonaZowe, por- towe, za pilotaz, za latamie morskie i oplaty kwarantannowe Iub tei zadne podobne Iub analo- giczne oplaty jakiegokolwiek b~j rodzaju, ki~ane w imieniu Iu b no. rzecz R¢u, funkcjonarjuszy publicznych, os6b prywatnych, towarzystw Iub zaldad6w jakie- gob~j rodzaju, nie b~~ nalda- dane w portach terytorj6w zadn~ z obu kraj6w no. statki drugiego kraju, kt6reby nie byly w rownej mierze i w tych samych warunkach nakladane no. statki narodowe. To r6wne trakto- wanie b~zie stosowane z zastrze- zeniem wzajeInnoki do statk6w obu kraj6w bez wzgl~u namiejsce, z kt6rego one przyb~aj~ i bez wzgl~u na miejsce lch przezna- czenia. ARTYKUL IX Tonnage duties, e&o. Dkil~ ceh16wdlniniejs~~o Traktatkil! va~~=tieoc:'m:t stat an owe 1 lnne stat b~~e wlasnoki~~rywatn~ pod bander~ jednej z Wysokich Uma- wiaj~ych si~ Stron, posiadaj~e dokumenty, wymagane przez ich ustawy kiajowe na dow6d swej przyn81ezJloki panstwowej, b~~, zar6wno w obr~bie w6d terytorjal- nych drugiej Strony, jak i na pelnem morzu, uwazane za statki tej Strony, pod kt6rej bander~ plyn~. ARTYKUL X Statki handlowe i inne statki at ~:~ ClIIrIOII b~~e wlasnoSci~_prywatn~ pod . bander~ jednej z WY80kich Uma- wiaj~ych si~ Stron, b~~ mogly wyladowywac cz~c swych ladun- k6w w Dzdym porcie, otwartym dla handlu zagranicznego na tery- torjach drugiej WY80kiej UmaWla- j~ej si~ Strony 1 plyn~c dalej z