Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 48 Part 2.djvu/334

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1606 POSTAL AGREEMENT-HELLENIC REPUBLIC. July 14. 19aa. August 1. 193a. Antf, p. 1597. Non-<leliv8lY. Provisions govern- ing. Requests allowed. Marks. rev~tir les colis de 180 mention third country". In that case, " N e pas reexpedier sur un tiers the parcels must not be refor- pays." Dans ce cas, les colis ne warded to any other country. dOlvent ~tre reexpedies sur aucun In case of loss, rifling or damage autre pays. En cas de perte, de of an insured parcel reforwarded spoliation on d'avarie d 'un colis to another country or returned avec valeur declaree reexpedie by that country, the indemnity is sur un tiers pays ou renvoye par decided upon exclusively in ac- ce pays, I'indemnite est deter- cordance with the provisions of minee exclusivement d'apres les Article VII, Section 1, 5th para- dispositions de I'Article VII, Para- graph. graphe 1, 5ieme alinea, du present Arrangement. ARTICLE XVI. Non-Livraison. 1. Les colis tombes en rebut, renvoyes a l'expediteur, sont pas- sibles des nouveaux frais de transport, ainsi que, Ie cas eche- ant, de 180 taxe a 180 valeur, et sont renvoyes comme colis de 180 m~me categorie qu'a I'aller. Les taxes sont exigibles de l'expediteur et perc;ue.s par l'Administration qui lui rend les colis. 2. Au moment du depot, I'ex- pediteur peut demander, pour Ie cas de non-remise: (a) que Ie colis lui soit imme- diatement renvoye, (b) qu'll soit considere comme abandonne, (c) qu'll soit remis a une autre personne dans Ie pays de desti- nation. Si I'expediteur use de cette faculte, II doit rev~tir Ie colis et Ie bulletin d'expeditlOn d'une des mentions suivantes: "En cas de non-remise, Ie colis doit . ~tre renvoye immediate- ment'" "En 'cas de non-remise, Ie colis doit ~tre considere comme aban- donne"; "En cas de non-remise, Ie colis doit ~tre delivre a ___________ ". Aucune mention autre que celles prevues ci-dessus n'est admise. ARTICLE XVI. Non-Delivery . 1. Undeliverable parcels re- turned to the sender are liable to new postage charges as well as insurance fees if necessary, and are returned as parcels of the same class in which they were received. The charges are col- lectible from the sender, and are collected by the Administration delivering the parcels to him. 2. At the time of mailing, the sender may request, in the event of non-delivery: (a) that the parcel be returned to him immediately, (b) that it be considered as abandoned; or, I (c) that it be delivered to another person in the country of destination. If the sender makes use of this option, he must mark the parcel and the dispatch note with one of the following notes: "In case of non-delivery, the parcel should be returned imme- diately", "In case of non-delivery, the parcel should be considered as abandoned" ., . "In case of non-delivery, the parcel should be delivered to ___ ". No note other than those pro- vided for above is permitted. Time for returning 3. Sauf disposition contraire, 1lIIde1lverable parcels. les colis tombes en rebut son t ren- 3. Barring contrary instruc- tions, undeliverable :parcels are returned to origin, Without pre- vious notification, 30 days after their arrival at the office of desti- nation. Parcels which the ad- dressee refuses to accept shall be voyes a l'origine sans avis prea- lable 30 jours apres leur arrivee au bureau de destination. Les colis que Ie destinataire refuse d'ac- cepter doivent ~tre renvoyes im-