Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 48 Part 2.djvu/336

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1608 Parcels to a country. AIr parcels. POSTAL AGREEMENT-HELLENIC REPUBLIC, July 14. 1933. August I, 1933.. sures, des nouveaux droits d'as- surance, sont perQus par l'Office reexpemteur, Ie colis est traite comme s'll avait origine dans ce pays. Autrement, l'Office reex- pediteur recouvre de l'autre Office 10. quote-part qui lui est due, c'est-a. - dire, suivant Ie cas: (a) les taxes prescrites par Ie paragraphe 1 ci-dessus; (b) les taxes de reexpedition ou retour. third En cas de reexpedition ou retour a. un tiers pays, les frais totaux, a savoir, celles des taxes mentionees sous (a) et (b) ci- dessus qui sont applicables, sui- vront Ie colis, malS au cas OU Ie pays tiers interesse refuse d'as- sumer les frais parce qu'ils ne peuvent etre perQus du destina- taire ou de l'expediteur, suivant Ie cas, ou pour une autre raison quelconque, lls seront portes de nouveau A 10. charge du pays d'origine. Au cas d'un colis renvoye ou reexpedie en transit A travers de l'une Administration sur l'autre, l'Administration intermediaire pourra exiger aussi 10. somme qui lui est due pour tout autre serVice territorial ou maritime effectue, ainsi que tous montants d11s a une autre ou des autres Adminis- trations quelconques qui sont interessees. ARTICLE XVIII Colts-Amon. Les Chefs des Administrations Postales des deux pays contrac- tants ont Ie droit de fixer, d'un commun accord, 10. surtaxe ae- rienne et les autres conditions, au cas OU les colis sont transportes par voie aerienne. ARTICLE XIX cels) are collected by the redia- patching Office, the parcel is treated as if it had originated in that country. Otherwise, the re- dispatching Office recovers from the other Office the quota due to it, namely, as the case may be: (a) the charges prescribed by Section 1 above; (b) the charges for reforward- ing or return. In case of reforwarding or re- turn to a third country, the ac- crued charges, that is, such of the charges mentioned in (a) and (b) above as are applicable, shall fol- low the parcel, but in the case that the third country concerned refuses to assume the charges be- cause they cannot be collected from the addressee or sender, as the case may be, or for any other reason, they shall be charged back to the country of origin. '\ In the case of a parcel returned or reforwarded in transit through one the of the two Administrations to or from the other, the interme- diary Administration may claim also the SWll due to it for any ad- ditional territorial or sea service provided, together with any amounts due to any other Admin- istration or Administrations con- cerned. ARTICLE XVIII Air Parcels. The Chiefs of the Postal Ad- ministrations of the two contract- ing countries have the right to fix by mutual consent the air surtax and other conditions in the case where the parcels are conveved by the air routes. ~ ARTICLE XIX Suspension Te,"!poraire du Ser- Temporary Suspension oj Service. tnce. Temporary suspen. ilion of service. Lorsque des circonstances ex- traordinaires justifient 10. mesure, l'une ou l'autre des Adminis- trations peut suspendre Ie ser- vice des colis postaux tempo- rairement et d'une maniere gene- raIe ou partielle, pourvu qu'elle In extraordinary circumstances such as will justify the measure, either Administration may tem- porarily suspend the parcel post service, either entirely or par- tially, on condition of giving im- mediate notice, if necessary by