Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 48 Part 2.djvu/346

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1618 Payments. Afltt, p. 1607. POSTAL AGREEMENT-HELLENIC REPUBLIC. July 14, 1933. August I, 1933. l'appui en vue de recherches ulMrieures ou de l'examen de demandes d'indemnite doivent ~tre conservees. 2. Le bureau d'echange expe- diteur auquel un bulletin de verification est envoye doit Ie renvoyer apres l'avoir examine et y apporM ses observations even- tuelles. Ce bulletin est alors annexe aux feuilles de route des colis auxquelles il se rapporte. Les corrections apporMes A une feuille de route qui ne sont pas appuyees par des documents sont considerees comme nulles et non avenues. 3. Si necessaire, Ie bureau d'echange expediteur peut de m~me ~tre avise par telegramme, aux frais de I'Office expediteur de tel Mlegramme. 4. En cas de manque d'une feuille de route, il en est etabli un duplicata dont une copie est envoyee au bureau d'echange expediteur de la dep~che. 5. Le bureau d'echange qui re90it d'un bureau correspondant un colis qui se trouve endommage ou insuffisamment embalM doit reexpedier tel colis apres rembal- lage s'il est necessarre, tout en preservant l'emballage original autant que possible. Si Ie domm~e est tel que Ie contenu du colIs aurait pu ~tre soustrait, Ie bureau doit d'abord ouvrir Ie colis d'office et en verifier Ie contenu. Dans l'un ou l'autre cas, Ie poids du colis sera verifie avant et apres Ie remb all age, et indique sur l'emballage du colis m~me. Cette indication sera suivi par la note "Remballe A... (Re- packed at ...)" ainsi que la signature des agents ayant effec- tue tel remballage. ARTICLE 8 BonijicaJion des quotes-parts. 1. Les quotes-parts terminales a bonifier par l'Office expediteur a l'Office destinataire, en vertu de l'Article XVII, paragraphe 1, de l'Arrangement, sont les suivantes: ination of requests for indemnity, must be kept. 2. The dispatching exchange office to which a bulletin of veri- fication is sent returns it after having examined it and entered thereon its observations, if any. That bulletin is then attached to the parcel bills of the parcels to which it relates. Corrections made on a parcel bill which are not justified by supporting papers are considered as devoid of value. 3. If necessary, the dispatching exchange office may also be ad- vised by telegram, at the expense of the Office sending such tele- gram. 4. In case of shortage of a parcel bill, a duplicate is pre- pared, a copy of which is sent to the exchange office of origin of the dispatch. '\ 5. The office of exchange which receives from a corresponding office a parcel which is damaged or insufficiently packed must re- dispatch such parcel after repack- in~, if necessary, preserving the onginal packing as far as possible. If the damage is such that the contents of the parcel may have been abstracted, the office must first officially open the parcel and verify its contents. In either case, the weight of the parcel will be verified before and after repacking, and indicated on the wrapper of the parcel itself. That indICation will be followed by the note "Remballe a . . . (Repacked at ...)", and the signature of the agents who have effected such repacking. ARTICLE 8 Payments. 1. The terminal quotas to be credited by the dispatching Office to the Office of destination, by virtue of Article XVII, Section 1, ~f the Agreement, are the follow- mg: