Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 48 Part 2.djvu/349

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RECTIFICATION OF THE RIO GRANDE-MEXICO. FEB . 1,1933. 1621 Oonvention between the United States oj America and Mexico Jor the February 1, 1933. Rectification oj the Rio Grande. Signed at Mexico City, February 1, 1933; ratification admsed by the Senate of the United States, with amendment, April 25, 1933; ratified by the President oj the United States, October 20, 1933; ratified "'by Mexico, October 6,1933; ratijiCOt- tions exchanged at Washington, November 10,1933; proclaimed by the President oj the United States, November 13, 1933; and exchanges oj notes. By THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA A PROCLAMATION WHEREAS a convention between the United States of America and RTarmstroBot (talk)!~on of ,be the United Mexican States for the rectification of the Rio Grande in the EI Paso-Juarez Valley was concluded and signed by their respec- tive plenipotentiaries at the city of Mexico on the first day of Febru- ary, one thousand nine hundred and thirty-three, the original of which convention, being in the English and Spanish languages, is, as amended by the Senate of the United States of America, word for word as follows: CONVENTION BETWEEN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA AND THE UNITED MEXICAN STATES FOR THE RECTIFICA- TION OF THE RIO GRANDE (RIO BRAVO DEL NORTE) IN THE EL PASO-JUAREZ VALLEY. The United States of America and the United Mexican States having-taken into consideration the studies and engineering ]?lans carried on by the International Boundary Commission, and spe- cially directed to relieve the towns and agricultural lands located within the El Paso-Juarez Valley from flood dangers, and securing at the same time the stabilization of the international boundary line, which, owing to the present meandering nature of the river it has not been possible to hold within the mean line of its chan- nel; and fully conscious of the great importance involved in this matter, both from a. local point of view as well as 'from a good international understanding, have resolved to undertake, in common agreement and coopera- tion, the necessary works as pro- CONVENCION ENTRE LOS ES· TADOS UNIDOS DE AMERICA Y LOS ESTADOS UNIDOS MEXI- CANOS PARA LA RECTIFICA- CION DEL RIO GRANDE (BRAVO DEL NORTE) EN EL VALLE DE EL PASO-JUAREZ. Los Estados Unidos de Ame- rica y los Estados Unidos Mexi- canos habiendo tomado en con- sideraci6n los estudios y proyec- tos de caracter Mcnico llevados a cabo por la Comisi6n Inter- nacional de Limites, encaminados especialmente a librar a. las po- blaciones y a las tierras labora- bles, situadas dentro del Valle de El Paso-Juarez, de 10sJeligros de inundaci6n, logrando mismo tiempo la estabilizaci6n de la linea divisoria internacional, que dada 10. actual naturaleza diva- gante del Rio, no ha sido posible conservar dentro de la linea media del cauce del ~ismo; y penetra- dos de la gran importancia que tanto desde el punto de vista del interes local, como de la buena inteligencia internacional, reviste este asunto, han resuelto ejecutar, de comun acuerdo y cooperaci6n, Contracting Powers.