Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 48 Part 2.djvu/366

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1638 RECTIFICATION OF THE RIO GRANDE-MEXICO. FEB. 1,1933. Mlnu&eNo.l28ofln· are required to be excavated to teruatlonal Boundary • •• Th Comm1ss1on-Contd. proVIde artificIal channel. e areas required for right-of-way for this channel are four thousand seventy-five (4,075) acres (1650 hectares) from the United States and also four thousand seventy- five (4,075) acres (1650 hectares) from Mexico. (c) The tentative proposed lo- cation of the rectified channel segregates three thousand four hundred sixty (3460) acres (1400 hectares) from the United States and also three thousand four hundred sixty (3460) acres (1400 hectares) from Mexico. (d) The estimated cost of the project, including Caballo Dam, IS about six million (6,000,000) dollars. (e) This project will eliminate the flood menace throughout the EI Paso-Juarez Valley in both the United States and Mexico, will prevent channel changes and de- tachment of areas from one coun- try to the other, and will permit the reclaiming of low-lying areas. 2. -Present Oonditions. (a) The Rio Grande forms gen- erally the International Boundary between the United States and Mexico from Land Monument N umber One to the Box Canyon below Fort Quitman in the El Paso-Juarez Valley, and is a meandering stream subject to changes, creating detached areas from one country to the other. (b) The gross area of valley land in both the The United States and Mexico, between El Paso-Juarez and the Box Canyon, is one hundred sixty-five thousand (165,000) acres (66,000 hectares) of which ninety six thousand (96,000) acres (38,400 hectares) are in the United States and sixty-nine thousand (69,000) acres (27,600 hectares are in Mexico. Estimated values existing in the cities of El Paso and Juarez and their valleys, including irrigation and drainage works and improved roads, are in excess of one hundred million dollars ($100,000,000). 1650 hectar8S (4075 acres) en Mexico y 1650 hectaras (4075) cuatro mil setenta y cinco acres en Estados Unidos. (c) La localizaci6n proyectada para el cauce rectificado corta 1400 hectaras (3.460 acres) de Mexico y tambien 1400 hec- taras (3460 acres) de Estados Unidos. (d) El costo del proyecto, in- cluyendo la presa en Caballo, es aproximadamente de DIs- 6.000 .000 .00 . (e) Este proyecto supriroira Ja amenaza de inundaciones en el Valle de Juarez-El Paso, tanto {'n Mexico como en Estados Unidos; evitara cambios de cauce y ~('gre­ gaci6n de terrenos de un pais al otroj y permitira ganar para el cultivo muchas de las ticrras bajas riberefias. 2. - CondiC'i,ones Actuales. (a) El Rio Bravo (Grande) forma, en general, el Limite Inter- nacional entre Mexico y los Estados Unidos desde el monu- mento Numero 1 al Cafi611 de Cajoncitos abajo de Fort Quit- man en el Valle de Juarez-EI Paso; es una corriente divagante cuyos cambios de cauce segregan terre nosdeunpaisa0tro. (b) El area total de terrenos en las veKas, tanto en Mexico como en Estados Unidos, entre Juarez-El Paso y el Cafi6n de Cajoncitos es de 66,000 hectaras (165,000 acres), de las cuales 38,400 hectaras (96,000 acres) estan en Estados Unidos y 27,600 hectaras (69,000 acres) estan en Mexico. EI valor en que se estiman las ciudades de Juarez y El Paso y sus Valles, incluyendo las obras de riego, de drenaje y caminos, excede de DIs. 100.000.000 .00 .