Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 48 Part 2.djvu/388

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1660 RECTIFICATION OF THE RIO GRANDE-MEXICO. FEB. 1, 1933. Minute No. 129ofln· dollars The lengthening of ternatlonal Boundary· d Commlsslon-Contd. ~de control structures an bridges will cost an additional three hundred fifty thousand dollars. The additional clearing required will cost thirty-five thou- sand dollars. The total of the above items is one million two hundred thirty-two thousand dollars which, when increased by- twenty per cent allowed for engI- neering, overhead and contingen- cies, makes a total additional cost of one million four hundred eighty thousand dollars. (e) Therefore, the cost ($lr 250,000) of the Caballo Dam 18 more than offset by the economies made possible in the works from Land Monument No.1 to the mouth of Quitman Canyon. In- deed, a sa~ of two hundred fifty thousand aollars is achieved. This saving is in addition to a reduction of 800 hectares (2,000 acres) in the land used for the channel which would be other- wise irredeemably lost for culti- vation, and to an unknown amount annually saved in less ex- pensive maintenance. VII. RECOMMENDATIONS. The following recommenda- tions are respectfully submitted: (a) That the rectified channel be constructed as described and outlined in this report and the at- tached exhibits. (b) That a flood detention dam, with a reservoir of not les8 than one hundred thousand acre feet (123.350 .000 cubic meters) caJ>~ac­ ity be built at Caballo, New Mexico. (c) That the areas to be de- tached from each country be brou~ht into balance by such shiftmg of the river location as the Commission may decide. (d) That the areas to be de- tached and those required for right-of-way be acquired by each nation 80 that all private rights to these lands be extinguished. control de la pendiente y de los puentes importarta la suma adi- cional de 350,000 d6lares. Por concepto de desmontes se aumen- tarlan 35.000 d6lares. El total de las cantidades anteriores es de 1.232.000 d6lares, y si a esta cantidad se agrega el 20% por concepto de direcci6n, administra- ci6n e imprevistos, el costo total adicional seria de 1.480.000 d6lares. (e) Asi pues, se ve que el costo de la Presa de Caballo, que es de 1.250,000 d6lares, resulta ampliamente compensado por las economias que pueden hacerse en las obras entre el Monumento No. 1 de la Unea terrestre y la entrada del Cafi6n de Quitman, logran- dose un ahorro de 250.000 d6lares. Ademas de este shorro, se dismi- nuye en 800 hectaras (20QO acres) la extensi6n de terreno que, por formar parte del cauce, resul- taria irremisiblemente perdida para el cuItivo y.- a la vez se ahorra por concepto de gastos de con- servaci6n una cantidad anual cuyo monto no puede precisarse. VII. RECOMENDACIONES. Con todo respeto se hacen las siguientes recomendaciones: (a) Que se construya el cauce rectificado de acuerdo con los lineamientos establecidos en este informe y en sus anexos. (b) Que se construya una presa de retenci6n con un vaso de capa- cidad no menor de 123.350,000 Mts. cubicos (100.000 acres pies) en Caballo, Nuevo Mexico, E. U . A. (c) Que se igualen las areas por segregar de cada pais modi- ficando el trazo del cauce pro- yectado, en la forma que la Comisi6n estime conveniente. (d) Que cada pais adquiera la parte que Ie correspond a de los terrenos-por segregar y de los necesarios para derecho de via, a fin de extinguir los derechos de propiedad particular sobre dichos terrenos.