Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 48 Part 2.djvu/51

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73d CONGRESS. SESS. II. CBS. 151, 152. APRIL 18, 1934. 1323 [CHAPTER 151.) AN ACT Apr\lI8, 1034 . To provide for the settlement of damage claims arising from the construction of --. =-: -'" ," 8 .; -::'231iTlI.OL.)=---_ the Petrolia-Fort Worth gas-pipe line. (Private. Nc.. 70.1 Be it enact~d by the Senate and House of Representativ('s of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secl'etary Petrolia· Fort Worth. of the Navy is hereby authorized to transmit to the General Account- TTarmstroBot (talk) 19:01, 8 July 2014 (UTC)::f.wa:r ing Office for payment, in accordance with the approved fin<.lings :r~illld-=e ~al,: contained in the report rendered by Lieutenant Ira P. Griffin, Civil settled. • Engineer Corps, United States NavY1 to the Navy Department under date of July 29, 1921, all unpaid claIms for rights-of-way and dam- ages to private property sustained in connection with the construc- tion on behalf of the United States during the years 1918 and 1919, of a gas-pipe line extending from Petrolia to Fort Worth, Texas. .SEC. 2 · h Th G at the SI'eAcretary?f thoe ffiNavYfis also authorihzed tlo .tl'ans f - ~;id~il!:fe~~ to mIttote enera ccountmg ce or payment t e calm 0 be paid. 'V. S. Wakeman in the sum of $65 in addition to the sum for said claimant approved in the above-mentioned report. SEC. 3 . That acceptanc~ by any claimant of an amoUl,lt offered for furr:ill19:01, 8 July 2014 (UTC)t. deemed settlE'ment pursuant to thIS Act shall be deemed to be III full settle- ment of his claim agllinst the United States. . ~EC. 4.fN0 1 payAment hshalhl be ma<;Je tlo ant~ fclal t ' ~nantf under the Phro- if ~:l~!:~~onr~f!~ VISIOns 0 t 11S ct W 0 as reCeIVe( sa IS ac IOn rom any ot er otherwise. source for the damages sustained due to the laying of said gas- pipe line. SEC. 5. That there is hereby authorized to be appropriated for the h"J.lproprlation au· purposes of this Act, out of any money in the Treasury not other- t onzed. wise appropriated, the sum of $7~356.75. Approved, April 18, 1934. [CHAPTER ]52.] AN ACT .. ... pril 18. 1934. Conferring jurisdiction upon ('ertain courts of the United States to hear and __IS. 1934_1 _ _ determine the claim by the owner of the four-masted auxiliary hnrk Quevilly 'l'rivate. 1'\0. 71.] against the Uuited States, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of RrprNlf'ntativf?8 of tlu'. United States of Amn'icft in (Jongres.'1 alillemblf'fi, That the claim of ia:~~ul'kmy", au:til· Compagnie Maritime N ormande. formerly known as "Societe ow':' of. may bring A IQ'11" f'thf ted 'I' L I suit for collision dam· nonyme (u UeVI y ,owner 0 e our-mns auxl Iary oar { ages in district court. Quevi11y, against the United States for damages alleged to have been caused by collision between said four-masted auxiliary bark Quevilly and the United Stutes destroyer Sampson on January 26, 1917, may be determined in a suit to be brought by said claiinant against the United States in the United States District Court for the Southern District of New York, sitting as a court of admiralty Jurisdiction ofcourl and acting under the rules governing such court in admiralty cases, and that said court shall have jurisdiction to hear and determine said suit and to enter a· jud~rment or decree for the amount of such damages, and costs, if any, as shall be found due against the United States in favor of the said Compagnie Maritime Normande, fonnerly known as "Societe Anonyme du Quevilly", or against the said Compagnie Maritime Normande, formerly known as "Societe Anonyme du Quevilly", in favor of the United States, by reason of saId collision, upon the same principles and under the same m~asures of lia~i1ity as in like cases ,between private parties, and WIth the same rIghts of appeal: PrOVided, That such notice of the k"OtVoa, suit shall be given to the Attorney General of the United States as Oe~ to At~, may be provided by order of the ~aid court, and upon such notice ~tl\jaj·-;;j-l'l' ~-3