Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 48 Part 2.djvu/520

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1778 HAITIANIZATION AGREEMENT. SECTION II Financial Arrangement. Adjust- ment oJfinancial guarantees 8tip- ulated in ,he Protocol oj 1919 and the loan contract oj 19£2. ARTICLE VII m:~~:::kst~?g~ Beginning January 1, 1934, the cuarantees. services of the Financial Adviser- General Receiver and of the Deputy General Receiver shall be carried on, in fulfillment of the obligations and guarantees under- taken in order to obtain the loan issued in accord with the Protocol of October 3, 1919, by a Fiscal Representative and a Deputy Fiscal Representative, appointed by the President of the Republic upon nomination of the President of the United States, who shall exercise the powers hereinafter set forth. POI' , p. 17&2. ARTICLE VIII As the Customs Revenues con- stitute the principal pledge to the holders of the bonds of the 1922 loan, the Fiscal Representative will have under his direction, until the complete amortization or the prior refunding of the loan under reference, the Customs Service and the application of the laws relative thereto. In addition he shall inspect the activities of the Internal Revenue Service and make appropriate recommenda- tions for its proper operation; he shall be in charge of the existing Service of Payments, reserve be- ing made of the provisions of Article XII hereafter; he shall maintain adequate records of re- ceipts and disbursements which records shall be open to inspec- TITRE II Arrangement Financier. Ame- nagement de8 Garantus finan- cieres stipulees dans le protocole de 1919 et le contrat d'emprunt de 19S5. ARTICLE VII A partir du 1er janvier 1934, les services du Conseiller Finan- cier-Receveur General et du Re- ceveur General-adjoint seront transmis a un Representant Fis- cal et a un Representant Fiscal- adjoint commissione par Ie Presi- dent d'Haiti, sur la proposition du President des Etats-Unis d'A- merique. Pour remplir les obli- gations et les garanties stipuIees en vue d'obtenir l'emprunt emis conformement au Protocole du 3 octobre 1919, Ie Representant Fiscal et Ie Representant Fiscal- adjoint exerceront les attribu- tions ci-apres determinees. ARTICLE VIII Les droits de douane consti- tuant Ie gage principal des por- teurs des obligations de l'emprunt de 1922, Ie Representant Fiscal aura dans ses attributions, jus- qu'au remboursement ou rachat anticipe du dit emprunt, la direc- tion du Service douanier et l'ap- plication des lois y relatives. II inspectera, en outre, toutes les activites de l'Administration ge- nerale des Contributions, et fera les recommandations utiles pour la bonne marche de cette adminis- tration; il sera charge du service des Paiements existant, sous re- serve des dispositions de l'article XII ci- apres; il tiendra pour toutes les recettes et depenses, des comptes adequats, lesquels seront ouverts a l'examen et ala