Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 48 Part 2.djvu/540

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1798 AIR NAVIGATION-SWEDEN. The Secretary oj State (Hull) to the Swedish Charg~ d'Aifaires ad inlerim (Beck-Friis) SIR: DEPARTMENT OF STATE, Washington, September 9,1933. Accept.ance by tha I . United States. I have the honor to acknow edge receipt of your commumcation of September 8, 1933, and to state that the text given therein of the ar- rangement between the United States of America and Sweden, gov- erning the operation of civil aircraft of the one country in the other country, meets with the approval of the Government of the United States. There is agreement to the effect that the arrangement shall become effective on October 9, 1933. Accept, Sir, the renewed assurances of my high consideration. CORDELL HULL BARON JOHAN BECK-FRIIS, Oharg~ d'Aifaires ad interim of Sweden. [No. 47]