Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/1002

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74TH CONGRESS . SESS. I. CH. 795. AUGUST 28, 1935 .

957 States, which shall contain a full and complete list of all persons o ccup ying adm inis trat ive and supe rvis ory posi tion s in the leg isla tive , executive, and judicial branches of the Government, including the District of Columbia, in connection with which salaries are paid from the Treasury of the United States . The register shall show the name ; official title ; salary , comp ensati on, a nd emo lument s ; legal residence and place of employment for each person listed therein : Provided, however, That the Official Register shall not Proriso . Postmasters, Army cont ain the name of any post master o r assist ant post master, or any and Navy personnel . officer of the Army, Navy, and Marine Corps, unless such officer is ass igned as an ad ministrative officer . SEC . 2 . To enable the United States Civil Service Commission to Data to be furnished compile and publish the Official Register of the United States as G over nmen ts of the early as practicable after the first of June of each year, the Executive Office, the legislative and judicial branches of the Government, the Commissioners of the District of Columbia, and the head of each executive department, independent office, establishment, and commis- sion of the Government shall, as of the 1st day of May of each year, beginning with May 1, 1936, supply to the United States Civil Service Commission the data required by this Act, upon forms approved and furn ished by the Com mission, in due time to permit t he publi cation of the Official Register as herein provided ; and no extra compensa- Work

be per- f orme dwit hout shall be allowed to any officer, clerk, or employee of the United tional compensation. States Civil Service Commission for compiling the Official Register . SEC . 3 . Of the Official Register there shall be printed, bound, and Distribution. delivered to the Superintendent of Documents and charged to the Congressional allotment for printing and binding a sufficient number of cop ies for distri bution as fol lows : To the President of the United Stat es, four copies, one cop y of whi ch shall be for the libr ary of the Executive Office ; to the Vice President of the United States, two copies ; to each Senator, Representative, Delegate, and Resident Commissioner in Congress, three copies ; to the Secretary and the Sergeant at Arms of the Senate and to the Clerk, the Sergeant at Arms, and the Doorkeeper of the House of Representatives, each one copy ; to the library of the Senate and the House, each, not to exceed fifteen copies ; to the library of the Supreme Court, two copies ; to the Library of Congress, for international exchange and for official use in Washington, District of Columbia, not to exceed one hundred and fifty copies ; to the municipal library of the Dis- trict of Columbia, two copies ; and to the C ommiss ioners of the Dist rict of Columbia , ten co pies . The " usual number " shall not "usual number" be printed .

not printed . SEC . 4. The he ad of each executive de par tme nt, independent copies for executive departments,independ- office, or establishment of the Government, not mentioned above, ent agencies, etc . aesiri ng copies of t he Official R egister shall issue, on or before May 1 of each ye ar, a re quisitio n upon t he Publi c Printe r for th e number of copies of the Official Register necessary to meet its official require- ment s, the c ost of s uch supp ly to be charged to the appropri ations available for printing and binding for such executive department, independent office, or establishment .

Repea ls . SEC. 5. That section 510 of the Revised Statutes of the United R.S.,sec.510,p.84. States and section 2 of the Act discontinuing the printing of certain UVsc . 4I, 4 s~: 1105 ' Government publications, and for other purposes (43 Stat . 1105), approved March 3, 1925, and all Acts or parts of Acts amendatory thereof or supplementary thereto, be, and the same are hereby, repe aled . Approved, August 28, 1935 .