Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/1037

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74T H CONGRESS . SESS . I. CH . 824 . AUGUST 30, 1935. It is further recognized and declared that all production of bitu- minous coal and distribution by the producers thereof bear upon and directly affect its interstate commerce and render regulation of all suc h pr oduc tion and dis trib utio n im pera tive for the pro tect ion of such commerce and the national public service of bituminous coal and the normal governme ntal revenues derivable from such industry ; that the excessive facilities for the production of bituminous coal and the overexpansion of the industry have led to practices and methods of production, distribution, and marketing of such coal that waste such coal resources of the Nation, disorganize the inter- state commerce in such coal and portend the destruction of the indus- try itself, and burden and obstruct the interstate commerce in such coal, to the end that control of such production and regulation of the prices realized by the producers thereof are necessary to promote its interstate commerce, remove burdens and obstructions therefrom, and protect the national public interest therein ; that practices pre- vailing in the production of bituminous coal directly affect its inter- state commerce and require regulation for the protection of that commerce, and that the right of mine workers to organize and collec- tively bargain for wages, hours of labor, and conditions of employ- ment should be guaranteed in order to prevent constant wage cutting and the establishment of disparate labor costs detrimental to fair competition in the interstate marketing of bituminous coal, and in orde r to avoid thos e obstructions to its interst ate commerce th at recur in the industrial disputes over labor relations at the mines . Nat ional Bitum inous

NAtiONAL BITUMINOUS COAL COMMISSION coal commission . Establ ishment; c o m- S Ea .2 . (a) There is hereby established in the Departmen t of the position . f . 1761. Interior a Nati onal Bituminous Coal Commissio n (herein refe rred to as "Commission "), which shall be composed of five members ap- pointed by the President, by and with the advice and consent of the Terms of office .

Senate, for a term of four years or until the prior termination of chairman ; offic ial this title . The Commission shall annually designate its chairman, seal . Vacancies.

and shall have a seal which shall be judicially recognized . Any person appointe d to fill a vac ancy shall be a ppointed only for the Principal office . unexpired term of his predecessor in office . The Commission shall have an office in the city of Washington, District of Columbia, and shall convene a t such times an d places as the majority of t he Com- Qualifications . mission shall determine . The members of the Commission shall have no fina ncial intere st, di rect, o r indi rect, in the mining , tran sporta - tion, or sale of, or manufacture of equipment for, coal, oil, or gas, or in the generation, transmission, or sale of hydroelectric power, or in the manufacture of equipment for the use thereof, and shall Removals .

not engage in any other business, vocation, or employment . Any Commissioner may be removed by the President for inefficiency, Secretary and other neglect of duty, or malfeasance in office . The Commission shall, with personne l y U.S.C., clue regard to the provisions of the civil-service laws or the Classifi- cation Act of 1923, as amended, appoint and fix the compensation and duties of a secretary and necessary clerical and other assistants, none of whom shall be related to any member of the Commission by mar- Compensation.

riage or within the third degree by blood . The members of the Com- mission shal l each receive compensation a t the rate of $ 10,000 per Powers.

year and necessary traveling expenses . Such Commission shall have the power to make and promulgate all reasonable rules and regula- Annual report. tions for carrying out the provisions of this Act, and shall annually make full report of its activities to the Secretary. of the Interior for transmission to Congress . Upon all matters within its jurisdiction coming before it for determination, it shall have the power and duty