Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/1094

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74 Th CONGRESS . SESS . I. CHS . 831, 832 . AUGUST 30, 1935 .

1049 thousand three hundred feet east of and parallel to the west line of section 30 (section line in South Western Avenue), township 39 north, range 13 east, t hird principal meridian, in the city of Chicago, Illinoi s, as t he same now exi sts or m ay here after be extend ed, is hereby declare d to be a nonna vigable stream within t he mean ing of the Constitution and laws of the United States . The ri ght to alter, amend, or re peal this section is here by expressly t "Reservation lion of right reserved . SEC . 11 . That the Secretary of War is authorized to grant permis- Cascade Locks water lion, on such terms as he may deem reasonable, to the City of Cascade main ; connection with, authorized . Locks, Oregon, to make connection with the Government-owned water main at Cascade Locks and take water therefrom for use for fire-protection purposes only . SEC . 1 2 . Th at the p ier con structed along the west coast of Lake HaP, along rek Huron, Michigan, at Greenbush, Michigan, by Carl E . Schmidt, of Mich ., legalized . Oscoda, Michigan, be, and the same is hereby, legalized to the same ext ent and with like effect a s to all existing or futu re laws and regu- lations of the United States as if the permit required by the existing laws of the . United States in such cases made and provided had been regularly obtained prior to the construction of said pier . That the right to alter, aamend, or repeal this section is hereby Reservation of right expressly reserved .



to amend . SEC . 13 . That the Court of Claims shall have jurisdiction to hear oyster growers ; and determine claims for damages to oyster growers upon private or claims of. leased lands or bottoms arising from dredging operations and use of other machinery and equipment in making such improvements : Pro- v id ed, That suits shall be instituted within one year after such oper a- tions shall have terminated . SEC. 14. That the Secretary of War is authorized and directed to have prepared and transmitted to Congress at the earliest practical dat e after January 3, 193 6, a com pilatio n of pre liminar y examin a- tions, surveys, and appropriations for works of river and harbor improvement similar in general form and subject matter to that which was prepared in accordance with the Act of March 4, 1913, and prin ted in House Document Numbered 1491, Sixty- third Con- gress, third session : Provided, That the report to be prepared in accordance with this provision shall be a revised edition of the r eport printed in the document above mentioned, extended to January 1, 1936. Approved, August 30, 1935 . Be it enacted by the Senate a nd H ouse of Represe ntative s of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That all claims of whatsoever nature which the Chippewa Tribe or Bands of Indians of Wisconsin may have against the United States, which have not heretofore been determined by the Court of Claims or the Supreme Court of the United States, may be submitted to the Court of Claims with the right of appeal to the Supreme Court of the United States by either party, anything in the Judicial Code of the United States or am endment s theret o to th e contra ry notw ithstand ing, fo r deter- mination of the amount, if any, due said Indians from the United States under any treaties, agreements, or laws of Congress, or for the misappropriation or waste of any of the funds or lands of said Indians or band or bands thereof, or for the failure of the United Provi so . Limitation . Report to Congress. Vol.37,p.801. Provi so . Requirement . [CH APTER 832 .1

AN ACT Au gust 30, 1935 . Authori zing the Chippewa I ndians of Wisconsin to submit claims to the Court of [H • R.6869.] Claims.

[Public, No. 410.) Chippewa Indians of Wisco nsin . Claims of, may be submitted to Court of Claim s . Right of appeal . U.S.C.,p.1268.