Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/1197

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74T H CO NGRE SS .' SESS . II. CIIS . 104-106 . FE BRUAR Y 29, 1936'. Ante , p. 775. by section 37 of Public Act Numbered 32 0 , Sevent y-fourth Congres s, entitled "An Act to amend the Agricultural Adjustment Act, and for other purposes", is authorized to be made available for the purp oses enu merated in said Acts unt il June 30, 1937. The author- ization, which is limited to June 30, 1936, contained in section 37 of Public Act Numbered 320, Seventy-fourth Congress, is likewise extend ed so th at the f unds the rein aut horized are auth orized t o be made available until June 30, 1937. Southern Great SEC. 4. The sum of $2,000,000 of the unobligated balance of the Plains area, wind er o- sion control


avail- appropriation for relief purposes contained in the Emergency Relief able . Ante , p.115. Appropriation Act of 1935, approved April 8, 1935, is hereby made available to the Secretary of Agriculture for allocation and payment to the St ates in the So uthern Great Plains area, or to farmers therein, for wind erosion control, under plans to be approved by the Secretary of Agriculture . Invest igations e a° te nded .

SEC .5. Section 22 of the Agricultural Ad j ustment Act as amended, Ante, p.773. is ame nded by insertin g after the word s "this title" w herever they appear the following : "or the So il Conservation and Domestic Allotment Act, as amended" ; and by striking out the words "an adjust ment" wh erever t hey appe ar and i nserting in lieu thereof the word "any". App rov ed, February 29, 1936 . [CH APTE R 105 .] February 29, 193 6 .


Postponing the effective da te of certain permit and labeling provis ions of the [Pub . Res ., No. 73.1

Feder al Al cohol Admi nistr ation Act . Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United Fed eral Alcoh ol Ad- States o f America in Congress assembled, That section 3 (c) of the ti on Ac t, amendment .

Federal Alcohol Administration Act, approved August 29, 1935, is Ante, p.978. Cert ain p ermit pro . amende d by str iking ou t "March 1, 19 36" and inserting in lieu thereof visions extended .

" July 1, 1936" . Lab elin g re qui re- SEC. 2 . Section 5 (e) of such Act is amended by striking out mAnte, p.982. "March 1, 1936" and insertin g in lie u thereo f "Augus t 15, 1936, in Post,P.1965.

the case of distilled spirits, and December 15, 1936, in the case of wine and malt beverages" . Approved, February 29, 1936 . [CH APTE R 106 .1 February 29,1936.


Extending and amending the joint resolution (Public Resolution Numbered 67, [Pub. Res ., No.74.]

Seventy-fourth Congress), approved August 31, 1935 . Resolved by the Senate and House o f Representatives of the United amendments . Ne utr al ity A ct, States of America in Congress assembled, That section 1 of the joint Ante, P .1081 . Mandatory emb argo resolution (Public Resolution Numbered 67, Seventy-fourth Con- Pen exportation. or gress) approved August 31, 1935, be, and the same hereby is, amended ents. etc" to belh ger- by striki ng out in the first section , on the seco nd line, after the word "a sse mbl ed" the following words : "Th at upon the outbreak or during the progress of war between", and inserting therefor the words : "Whenever the President shall find that there exists a state of war between" ; and by st rikin g out the word "may" after the word "President" and before the word "from" in the twelfth line, and inserting in lieu thereof the word "shall" ; and by substituting Provisions extended . for the last paragraph of said section the following paragraph "except with respect to offenses committed, or forfeitures incurred prior to May 1, 1937, this section and all proclamations issued there- under shall not be effective after May 1, 1937 ."