Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/1248

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74T H CO NGR ESS. SESS. II. CHS. 209, 210. APR IL 11, 1936.

12ƒ3 any unall ocated moneys ava ilable for public building constru ction . The Secre tary of the Treas ury is hereby fur ther authorized t o sell all of the old post-office site situated at Broadway, Seventeenth, and Franklin Streets in Oakland, California, at such time, for such price, and upon such terms and conditions as he may deem to be to the best interests of the United States, and to convey such property to the purch aser thereof by t he usual quitclai m deed, the proce eds of said sale to be covered into the Treasury as miscellaneous receipts ." Approved, April 11, 1936 . [CHAPTER 210 .] P roceeds of sale c ov- ered into Treasury. AN ACT To amend section 80 of chapter 9 of an Act to amend the Act entitled "An Act

April u, 1938.

[H° R. sss2.) to establish a uniform system of bankruptcy throughout the United States", [Public, No . 515.1 approved July 1, 1898 . Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America i n Congress assembled, That subpara- is B ankruptcy Act of graphs (a) and (d) of section 80 of chapter 9 of an Act to amend vol. 30, p. 544; Vol. an Act entitled "An Act to establish a uniform system of bankruptcy 41, -e9c.,p.34s. throughout the United States", approved duly 1, 1898, and Acts amendatory thereof and supplementary thereto be, and the same are hereby, amended to read as follows "SEC. 80. MUnICIPAL DEBT READJUSTMENTS .- (a) Any municipality Municiial debt read- or other political subdivision of any State, including (but not hereby luPetition of insolvent limiting the generality of the foregoing) any county, city, borough, taxin g district . village, parish, town, or township, unincorporated tax or special ass essmen t dis trict , and any s chool , dra inage, irri gatio n, rec lamat ion, levee, sewer, or paving, sanitary, port, improvement, or other dis- tricts (hereinafter referred to as a `taxing district'), may file a petition stating that the taxing dist rict is insolvent or unable to meet its debts as they mature, and that it desires to effect a plan of read- justment of its debts . The petition shall be filed with the court in Where to be filed . whose territorial jurisdiction the taxing district or the major part thereof is located and for any such district having no officials of its own the petition shall be filed by the municipality or political sub- division, the officials of which have power to contract on behalf of said district or to levy the special assessments within such district . The petition shall be accompanied by payment to the clerk of a filing Filin g fee . fee of $1 00, which shall b e in addition to the fees required to be collected by the clerk under other chapters of this Act . The petition contents of petition ; shall state that a plan of readjustment has been prepared, is filed and accomp n3nt plan to sub mitted with the petit ion, a nd th at cr editor s of the t axing distr ict requ ired t of cr editor s owning not less than 30 per centum in the case of drainage, irriga- tion, reclamation, and levee district s (except as hereinafter provided) and owning not less th an 51 per centum in the case of all other taxing districts in amount of the bonds, notes, and certificates of indebtedness of the taxing district affected by the plan, excluding bonds, notes, or certificates of inde btedness owned, held, or controlled by the ta xing district in a fund or otherwi se, have accepted it in writing. The petition shall be accompanied with such wr it ten List of creditors to be acceptance and with aa list of all known creditors of the taxing dis- fur nis hed . trict, to gether with their addresses so far as known to the taxing dis trict, and descr iptio n of t heir respe ctive claim s sho wing s epara tely those who have accepted the plan of readjustment, together with their separate addresses, the contents of which list shall not consti- Not deemed admis- tute admissions by the taxing district s in a proceeding under this sfo ns" chapter or otherwise . Upon the filing of such a petition the judge dis mis sal

tal or shall enter an order either approving it as properly filed under this