Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/1270

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74TH C ONG RESS . SESS. II. CH. 233. APRIL 17, 1936 .

1225 Senate Office Building : For maintenance, miscellaneous items and suppl ies, i ncludi ng fur niture, furn ishing s, and equip ment a nd for labor and material incident thereto and repairs thereof; and for personal and other services for the care and operation of the Senate Office Building, under the direction and supervision of the Senate Committee on Rules, acting through the Architect of the Capitol, who shall be its executive agent; in all, $242,069 . House Office Buildings : For maintenance, including equipment, miscellaneous items, and for all necessary services, $3 - ,0,509. Capitol power plant : For lighting, heating, and power for the Capitol, Senate and House Office Buildings, Supreme Court Build- ing, Congressional Library Buildings, and the grounds about the same, Botanic Garden, legislative garage, folding and storage rooms of the Senate, Government Printing Office, and Washington City po st of fi ce; per sonal and ot her se rvices, engi neerin g inst rument s, fuel, oil, materials, labor, advertising, and purchase of waterpoof 1 wearing apparel in connection with the maintenance and operation of th e heat ing, l ightin g, and power plant, $674 ,360, of whi ch sum $210,000 shall be immediately availabe 1 for construction changes and the installation of additional equipment . The appropriations under the control of the Architect of the Capit ol may be ex pended witho ut ref erence to se ction 4 of t he Act ap pro ved Jne 17, 1 910 (U . S . C., title 41, sec . 7), concerning pur- chases for executive departments . The Gove rnment Printing Office and the Washington City post office shall reimburse the Capitol power plant for heat, light, and power furnished during the fiscal year 1937 and the amounts so reimbursed shall be covered into the Treasury . I So in original . Senate Office Build- ing, ma intena nce, e tc . house Office Build- ings, m ainten ance, etc . Capitol pow er plant, maintenance, etc . Purchases independ- ent of Procurement Division, Treasury De- partment. Vol. 36, p. 531. U.S.C., p. 1804 . Reimbursement for heat, etc ., to designated buildin gs . LI BRARY BU ILDING AND GRO UNDS

Library building and grounds . Salaries : For chief engineer and all personal services at rates of Salaries . pa provi ded by law, $46,72 0 . alaries, Sunday opening : For extra services of employees and Sund ay op ening . additional employees under the Architect of the Capitol to provide for the opening of the Library Building on Sundays and on holi- days, at rates to be fixed by such Architect, $2,139 . Fo r nece ssary expend itures for t he Lib rary B uildin g and Ground s Maintenance, rep ai r, under the j urisdi ction of the Archi tect of the Capito l, inc luding et c' minor improvements, mai ntenance, repair, equipment, s upplies, material, and appurtenances, and personal and other services in conne ction with t he mec hanica l and struct ural m ainten ance o f such building and grounds, $24,500 : Provided, That the unexpended ba l- Provisos . Maintenance, etc ., of ante on June 30, 1936, of the portion of the appropriation of $139 .900 elevators. and of the reappr opriat ion of $30,3 00 all ocated for i nstall ation, Ante, p. 470. replacement, and reconditioning of elevators, contained in the Legis- lative Branch Appropriation Act, 1936, shall continue available for the same purposes until June 30, 1937

Pr ovided furth er,

That the Damon W. Harding, Architect of the Capitol may continue the employment under his mnt`nued employ- jurisdiction of Da mon W . Harding, until June 30, 1938, notwith- Uols 41C, pPSSa. standing any provision of the Act entitled "An Act for the retire- ment of employees in the classified civil service, and for other pur- poses", approved May 22, 1920, and any amendment thereof, pro- hibiti ng exten sions of service after t he age o f retir ement . For furniture, including partitions, screens, shelving, and elec- Furni ture, etc . trical work pertaining thereto and repairs thereof, $17,000 .