Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/1313

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74TH CON GRES S . SESS . II. CHS. 376, 377. MAY 11, 1936. [ CHAPTE R 376 .] Mare 11, 1936 .

[S.3950.1 To aid i n defr aying the e xpens es of the S ixteen th Tr iennia l Con ventio n of the World's Woman's Christian Temperance Union to be he ld in this country in June 1937 . [Public, No . 576.] Wo rld 's Wom an' s Christian Te mpe ran ce Union Convention, 1937 . Contribution toward defrarein g expense s of, authorized. Post,p.1634. Supervision of ex- penditure . [ CHAPTE R 377 .] Mare 11, 1936 .


[S. 3977.7 To authorize the Washington Gas Light Company to alter its corporate structure, and for oth er purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That, provided the same shall be found by the Public Utilities Commission of the District of Columbia to be in the public interest, the Washington Gas Light Company may, for lawful corporate purposes, by a vote of two-thirds in number of the outstanding shares of stock of the company, increase its capitalization and from time to time issue such additional stock, in such amounts, for such considerations, of such classes, either with or without par value, and with such rights, privile ges, and condit ions, as said C ommissi on may a pprove . All shares of capital stock of said company hereafter issued for which the agreed consideration shall have been paid to the company, and all shares of capital stock of the company heretofore issued, as well as shares into which such shares heretofore issued may be c hanged, shall b e deemed and ta ken to b e fully paid an d nonas sess- able, and there shall be no liability to the company or to creditors of the company on the part of any subscriber to, or holder of, such shares . inoui tangi permitted r gs'op ted Said company may, upon obtaining approval of said Commission, change all of the shares of its capital stock at any time outstanding into the same or a different number of shares issued pursuant to the provisions of this Act, by following the same procedure and comply- ing with the same requirements as are now prescribed in section Vol. 41, p .1195 .

639a of the Code of Law for the District of Columbia, as amended (41 Stat . 1195), in respect of a change of name by a corporation . SEC . 2 . Provided the same shall be found by said Commission to be in the public interest, said company is further authorized to consolidate or merge with The Georgetown Gaslight Company, upon such conditions as may be approved by said Commission ; and upon such consolidation or merger The Georgetown Gaslight Company shall, without further proceedings, become dissolved . and merged into the Washington Gas Light Company, and all property, rights, priv ilege s, a nd fr anch ises of T he G eorg etown Gas light Com pany shall, subject to encumbrances or liens thereon to secure the bonds or othe r securi ties is sued by The Geo rgetown Gasligh t Compa ny, and to the payment of any valid claims against, or indebtedness of, The [Public, No. 577.] Wa shin gton Gas Light Companre. Inc rease in c apitali- zation authorized. Vol .9,p.722. I ssuance of stock . Merger with George- to wn Gaslight Com- panr e, au thori zed . Vol. 10, p . 786. AN ACT Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States o f America in Congress assembled, That there is hereby authorized to be appropriated, out of an money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, the sum of $10,000 to aid in defraying the expenses of the Sixteenth Triennial Convention of the Wor ld's Woman's Christian Temperance Union to b e held in this country in June 1937, such sum to be expended for such purposes and under such regulations as the Secretary of State shall prescribe and without regard to any other provision of law . Approved, M ay 11, 1936 .