Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/1353

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13 08

74TH C ONGRESS . SESS. II . CH. 404. MAY 15, 1936. periodicals ; law books not exceeding $1,000 ; textbooks and books Printing and binding . of reference ; printing and binding, including printing of annual report ; rent and personal services in the District of Columbia ; purchase or exchange of typewriting, adding, and other machines ; p urcha se or exch ange, main tenan ce, r epair , and oper ation of m otor- Damage claims . propelled and horse-drawn passenger-carrying vehicles ; claims for damages to vessels passing through the locks of the Panama Canal, as authorized by the Panama Canal Act ; claims for losses of or damages to property arising from the conduct of authorized business operations ; claims for damages to property arising from the mainte- nance a nd operation, sanitation, and civil government of the Panama Canal ; acquisition of land and land under water, as authorized in the Panama Canal Act ; expenses incurred in assembling, assorting, s torin g, re pairi ng, a nd se lling mate rial, mach inery , and equi pment heret ofore or h ereaf ter p urcha sed o r acq uired for the c onstr uctio n of the Panama Canal which are unserviceable or no longer needed, to be reimbursed from the proceeds of such sale ; expenses incident to conducting hearings and examining estimates for appropriations Emergencies . o n t he I st h mu s ; expenses incident to any emergency aris ing because of calamity by flood, fire, pestilence, or like character not foreseen or otherwise provided for herein ; traveling expenses, when pre- scribed by the Governor of the Panama Canal to persons engaged Public funds and se- in field work or traveling on official business ; transportation, includ- curities,

transporta- tion and insur ance . Ing insurance, of public funds and securities between the United States and the Canal Zone ; and for such other expenses not in the United States as the Govern or of the Panama Canal may dee m necessary best to promote the maintenance and operation, sanitation, and civil government of the Panama Canal, all to be expended under the direction of the Governor of the Panama Canal and accounted for as follows Maintenance and ope rati on .

For maintenance and operation of the Panama Canal : Salary of Governor's salarre . the Governor, $10,000 ; purchase, inspection, delivery, handling, and etc . upplies,equipment, storing of materials, supplies, and equipment for issue to all depart- ments of the Panama Canal, the Panama Railroad, other branches depart- Parement to alie n cripples .

of the United States Government and for authorized sales ;• payment us39,p. 7oz. i n lump sums of not exceeding the amounts authorized by the Injury Compensation Act approved September 7, 1916 (U. S . C ., title 5, sec. 793), to alien cripples who are now a charge upon the Panama Canal by reason of injuries sustained while employed in the con- struction of the Panama Canal ; in all, $9,149,201, together with all moneys arising from the conduct of business operations authorized by the Panama Canal Act. Sanitation, etc .

For sanitation

hospitals, and medical aid and support Insane, lepers, etc .

quarantine, Deportation ex- of the insane and of lepers and aid and s upport of indigent persons penses . legally within the Canal Zone, including expenses of their deporta- tion when practicable, and the purchase of artificial limbs or other applia nces for persons who were injured i n the se rvice of the Isthmian Canal Commission or the Panama Canal prior to Sep- ficerhief quarantine of- tember 7, 1916, and including additional compensation to any officer of the United States Public Health Servic e detailed with the Panama Canal as chief quarantine officer, $899,793 . peCivil government ex- For civil government of the Panama Canal and Canal Zone, including g ratuities and necessary clothing for indigent discharged prisoners, 1,073,950 . Total ; availability . . Total, Panama Canal, $11,122,944, to be available unti l expended . Cr edi ts allowed . In addition to the foregoing sums there is appropriated for the fiscal year 1937 for expenditures and reinvestment under the several heads of appropriation aforesaid, without being covered into the Treasury of the United States, all moneys received by the Panama