Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/138

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74TH CONGR ESS . SESS. I . CH. 39. MARCH 22, 1935 .

93 Research and development : For the maintenance and development o Research and devel- of national standards of measurement ; the development of improved p methods of measurement ; the determination of physical constants and the properties of materials ; the investigation of mechanisms and st ructures , includ ing thei r econom y, effic iency, a nd safe ty ; th e study of f luid res istance and the flow of fluids a nd heat

the investigation

of radiation, radioactive substances, and X-rays ; the study of condi- tions affecting radio transmission ; the development of methods of chemical analysis and synthesis, and the investigation of the prop- erties of rare substances ; investigations relating to the utilization of materials, including lubricants and liquid fuels ; the study of new processes and methods of fabrication ; and the solutions of problems arising in connection with standards ; $671,500 . Standards for commerce : For cooperation with Government pur- met Bndards for com- chasing agencies, industries, and national organizations in develop- ing specifications and facilitating their use ; for encouraging the application of the latest developments in the utilization and stand- ardization of building materials ; for the development of engineer- ing and safety codes, simplified practice recommendations, and com mercia l stan dards of qua lity a nd per forman ce, $1 10,000 . During the f iscal year 1 936 th e head of an y depa rtment or in de- cooperative work During

w ith departments, etc ., pendent establishment of the Government having funds available for on scientific investiga- scientific investigations and requiring cooperative work by the `ions' National Bureau of Standards on scientific investigations within the scope of the functions of that Bureau, and which the National Burea u of S tandar ds is unable to pe rform within the l imits of its appropriations, may, with the approval of the Secretary of Com- merce, transfer to the National Bureau of Standards such sums as Trans fer of funds au. may be necessary to carry on such investigations . The Secretary of th orized . the Treasury shall transfer on the books of the Treasury Department any sums which may be au thor ized hereu nder, and such amou nts shall be placed to the credit of the National Bureau of Standards for performance of work for the department or est ab lis hme nt fr om which the transfer is made, including, where necessary, compensation for pers onal ser vices in the Dis trict of Columbi a and i n the fi eld . Total, National Bureau of Standards, $1,802,500, of which amount Total- Ser vic es in the Di s- not to exceed $1,600,000 may be expended for personal services in the trict . District of Columbia . BUREAU OF LIGHTHOUSES Salaries : For the Commissioner and other personal services in the District of Columbia, $113,800. General expenses : For supplies, including replacement of and necessary additions to existing equipment, repairs, maintenance, and incidental expenses of lighthouses and other lights, beacons, buoyage, fog signals, lighting of rivers heretofore authorized to be lighted, light vessels, other aids to navigation, and lighthouse tenders, includ- ing th e esta blishm ent, r epair, and i mprove ment o f beac ons an d day marks, and purchase of land for same ; establishment of post lights, buoys, submarine signals, and fog signals ; establishment of oil or carbide houses, not to exceed $10,000 : Provided, That any oil or car- bi de house erected hereund er shall not exc eed $1,0 00 in c ost ; construc- tion of necessary outbuildings at a cost not exceeding $1,000 at any one light station in any fiscal year ; impro veme nt of grou nds a nd buildings connected with light stations and depots

rest oring li ght

stations and depots and buildings connected therewith ; Provided Burea u of Lig ht- houses. Salaries . General expenses. Post, p . 582. Aids to navigation. Proviso s . Lim it on construc- tion cost . Restoring stations, etc .